"Although there are three households in Chu, Qin must be killed by Chu..."

Ying Zheng also remembered this sentence.

This is a slogan that sounded after the establishment of the empire.

The three households referred to refer to the three major families that control the state of Chu.

These three families are Xiang, Qu, and Jing!

Qu Yuan is a member of the Qu family. The Qu family has always mastered the politics of Chu State. All policies from top to bottom are determined by the Qu family.

That's why Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river, which caused such a big sensation.

Although Ying Zheng admires Qu Yuan's integrity, he will always stand on the side of the empire.

"Although there are three households in Chu, Qin must be killed by Chu."

Ying Zheng read this sentence again, his eyes became extremely cold.

At this moment, he has secretly decided.

"In any case, the three major families of the Chu country will be destroyed by the widow!"

Ying Zheng didn't intend to give the three major families a chance at all.

He also doesn't want the future empire's hegemony to be completely ruined!

"No one is allowed to threaten the widow's Qianqiu hegemony!"

ps, these days Xiaohuo sleeps less than 4 hours a day, coupled with the hot weather, his mental state is a little bad, resulting in the wrong manuscript.

However, it has now been revised, that is, the number of words is a little less, and I hope everyone will bear more.

I'll go to sleep first, and I'll write when I wake up!

Today's update should be more than the five in the previous two days! .

Body Chapter 113: Thousands of cavalry in the state of Chu!Shouchun City!

The three major families of Chu State will be the biggest obstacle to Ying Zheng's attack on Chu State.

Among the three major families, there is no doubt that the biggest problem is the Xiang family!

They are in charge of the army of Chu State, and their strength is not weak.

Although Li Mu was not one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period and made great military exploits, the Chu State must not be underestimated!

Looking at the Miluo River, Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking of Qin's destruction of Chu in history. He fought for five years and dispatched an army of [-].

And this is a war that was won after the internal strife in Chu.

And in the current state of Chu, there is no internal strife!

"The current strength of the state of Chu is still strong, and it has not declined. If the few want to fight the state of Chu, they must face the state of Chu in its heyday!"

Ying Zheng looked in Shouchun's direction with a hint of madness in his eyes.

"The former advisor Su Qin once said that there are millions of soldiers in the state of Chu!"

"The country of Chu is huge, and there is an army of one million. However, after several weakenings, there should be only 70 troops left in the current state of Chu!"

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes.

When he attacked Zhao State, Qin State only had more than 15 [-] people, Zhao State might be stronger and requisitioned many people, and the number reached [-].

But even if the troops of Qin and Zhao were combined, they were not as many as the people of Chu today!

"Wang Jian, as one of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period, also needed an army of [-] to defeat the state of Chu after internal strife."

"And now the widow has to rely on the [-] Qin army to defeat the Chu State head-on!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were solemn.

The state of Chu was undoubtedly very powerful.

After all, Ying Zheng had only been the king of Qin for a year. In this era, the military strength of the six of the seven kingdoms had not yet declined to the level of twenty years later.

Ying Zheng slowly closed his eyes.

At this time, a Yulin guard suddenly came on a horse!

"Your Majesty, Xiang Yan of the State of Chu led an army of [-] people, and they have formed a large net to slaughter us!"

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes.

He didn't expect Chu's actions to be so fast!

"The widow killed his son with the front foot, and he can lead an army of [-] people to fight with the back foot, which is really fast enough."

The most shocking thing about Ying Zheng was that the State of Chu was able to assemble an army of [-] people in less than a day!

And it's almost New Year's Eve!

This is enough to illustrate the current war potential of the Chu State.

"The widow really has a small glimpse of the state of Chu!"

Ying Zheng then opened the system.

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