Today, the system has given a new evaluation to the state of Chu.

"Now Qin's war index has become more than 6."

"And Chu's war index turned out to be 10."

The system's judgment of the war index will fluctuate somewhat.

This is judged based on the information of the enemy state in the Qin Palace.

Originally, the war index of the Chu state was only more than 7. It was not until Ying Zheng came here to walk around that he realized that the Chu state had such a huge war index.

This war index does not depend on the number of people, but on the famous generals!

Although Xiang Yan was not as good as Wang Jian and Li Mu, he was deeply loved by the Chu army and the people.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickering.

The youths of Yulinwei all looked cold.

[-] troops, it is not that they have never fought!

And it was Zhao Jun under the command of Li Mu!

In their hearts, a hint of arrogance rose.

Only Meng Tian is clear.

When they fought against the Zhao army back then, Wang Jian's army of [-] people also contained most of the Zhao army, so that the Xuanjia iron cavalry could be so smooth.

And at that time it was six thousand black armored cavalry.

And now, there are only three thousand!You have to face the army of [-] people directly.

But that's nothing scary yet.

The most important thing is that Chu State has learned the lessons of Han Zhao's demise and found a way to specifically restrain the black armored cavalry!

Chapter 113: The State of Chu Wanqi!Shouchun City! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The most important thing is that Chu State has learned the lessons of Han Zhao's demise and found a way to specifically restrain the black armored cavalry!

Whether it is a caltrop or a tripping rope, as long as it is used more, it will cause great difficulties to the black armored cavalry.

"Your Majesty, Xiang Yan has blocked all our roads back to Qin. The roads are full of obstacles, and there is a large army guarding there, so the war horses can't get through."

The corner of Ying Zheng's mouth showed a hint of relief.

"The response is really fast!"

"But this is too contempt for the widow!"

"When will the widow retire?"

"Target, Shouchun City!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were cold.

The black armored cavalry slowly moved forward.

They are camouflaged in white cloth, so they are hard to spot.

But now these cloths have been stained with a lot of blood, but they still have a camouflage effect!

Since the cavalry can't cross the Miluo River, it won't take long to make a detour!

The black armored cavalry quickly found the shallow water, and the horses galloped past in the cold water.

"Your Majesty, after crossing the Miluo River, the war horse will run for another three hours, and then it will arrive at Shouchun."

Meng Tian followed Ying Zheng and reported the situation to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng nodded involuntarily.

"We can't capture Shouchun City." Meng Tian said with a bitter expression on his face.

"The widow knows."

"Then what are we going to do in Shouchun City?"

"It's almost New Year's Eve, the widow is going to pay New Year's greetings to the King of Chu."


Meng Tian couldn't understand what Ying Zheng wanted to do.

But he knew that no matter what Ying Zheng wanted to do, in addition to food and grass, Yulin Weizhong also brought several skins.

Meng Tian didn't know what the skin was doing.

But Meng Tian knew that it was most likely a 'gift' from Ying Zheng to the King of Chu!

And he was certain that it was definitely not a good thing.

At this time, the army led by Xiang Yan was chasing after Ying Zheng.

To Ying Zheng's surprise, the state of Chu even had cavalry.

And 453 and the number, there are actually [-] riders!

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