With doubts in Ying Zheng's heart, he couldn't help thinking of this matter.

Chunshen Jun, like the four famous generals of the Warring States period, he is called one of the four sons of the Warring States Period!

The four young masters of the Warring States period paid the most attention to the supporters, and there were thousands of disciples, all of whom served the country.

It is also the fact that the Fourth Young Master of the Warring States Period has countless capable people, even to the point of (bfab) that the kings of the Seven Kingdoms will be afraid of it.

Lu Buwei was also influenced by the Fourth Young Master of the Warring States Period and raised many disciples, but in this respect, compared with the Fourth Young Master of the Warring States Period, he was still a lot worse.

It's just that this Chunshen-kun didn't end well.

Ying Zheng sat on the horse, constantly recalling the information about Chunshen-kun from the shadow guard.

"Chunshen Jun once sent an envoy to the Qin state, allowing King Kaolie of Chu to return to the country smoothly, and sitting on the throne of the king of Chu, King Kaolie of Chu made him the prime minister of the state of Chu."

"In addition, the prime minister of the state of Chu has complete control over the decrees of the state of Chu, and the king of Chu is just a shell. It is precisely because of this that Lord Chunshen is rich enough to be able to support so many scholars, and is called the fourth son of the Warring States period."

"In those days, Lord Chunshen pursued friendship with Qin, which is why Chu country became prosperous and strong again. It's a pity that after King You of Chu succeeded to the throne, he planned to kill Lord Chunshen."

"Perhaps King Chu You doesn't even know that he is Jun Shen's son."

Sitting on the red rabbit, Ying Zheng didn't care about Xiang Yan, who was chasing behind him.

There is an idiom allusion among them, that is, moving flowers to join trees!

"In the past, King Kaolie of Chu had no children, so Li Yuan thought of a way to give his sister to Jun Shen, and when she became pregnant, she gave King Kaolie of Chu as a concubine, and finally gave birth to King Chu You!"

"Actually, King You of Chu is the son of Lord Chunshen."

"However, Li Yuan was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he wanted to kill Chunshen-Jun, but he was not able to do so. It was not until King Chu You ascended the throne that he indulged the new king to get rid of Chunshen-Jun."

"It's just that Chu State has lost a lot of talent because of this..."

Ying Zheng shook his head, ready to stop thinking about these things.

"Forget it, no matter who the son of King Chu You is, he seems to be completely pissed off by the widow."

"However, Xiang Yan is still biting at the back, which is really annoying."

The black armored cavalry marched all the way to the southwest, preparing to bypass the obstacles and return to Qin State in a circle.

It's just that Xiang Yan's stalking still angered Ying Zheng after all.

"The widow originally planned to leave after burning it and go home for the New Year, but I didn't expect you to be so persistent."

"Do you really think that the black armored cavalry that imitates the widow will be invincible in the Seven Kingdoms? It's really ridiculous!"

"Now, the widow will let you know what the real black armored cavalry is!"

Ying Zheng's eyes also turned cold.

The head of the war horse also turned around.

Three thousand black armored iron cavalry, quietly waiting for ten thousand Chu cavalry to come!

ps, and an update.

By the way, I recommend a good book to friends, "Heavenly Fighters Group", and friends who like it can go and have a look. .

Chapter 116 Yulinwei vs Chu State Cavalry! (Sixth more!)

Three thousand black armored iron cavalry, against ten thousand Chu cavalry!

Ying Zheng quietly waited for the arrival of Xiang Yan leading the Chu Qi.

"The terrain here is slightly higher, and the Chu Qi has to charge uphill. How much effort it takes will reduce the impact of the war horse."

"Now all the steel crossbows are ready, just waiting for the Chu cavalry to arrive-!"

The Yulin guards behind Ying Zheng just formed three rows, forming a complete shooting formation.

And this wait didn't last long.

Ying Zheng saw Xiang Yan's army coming.

Behind the warhorse, snow was rising even more.

As the distance got closer, Ying Zheng could see the incomparably excited gaze of the Chu Cavalry.

"Kill King Qin!"

Many people were shouting, but Ying Zheng was paying attention to their distance.

1000 steps!

800 steps!

600 steps!


The steel crossbow in Ying Zheng's hand flew out first, followed by the first row of crossbow arrows, and then the cavalry wound up.

When the first row of cavalry was wound, the second row of crossbow bolts were fired and then wound.

Then the third row salvo, wind up.

After three rounds like this, when the third row is finished, the first row is just finished!

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