In the blink of an eye, the rushing Chu cavalry fell over a hundred people, the horses neighed and fell to the ground, but the cavalry who were lucky not to die were not lucky, and the horses behind them would instantly trample them into mud.

The fallen war horses became a stumbling block for the war horses behind. In the blink of an eye, many war horses were overturned. Immediately, the Chu soldiers fell directly to the ground.

Ying Zheng looked at the hindered Chu State cavalry, and the corner of his mouth smiled even more.

"You don't even have a saddle, stirrup, and horseshoe, so the cavalry was formed, and the combat effectiveness is too weak."

These Chu people ride on horses with their legs sandwiched between the horse's belly. From the legs of each ring, it can be seen that they know horses very well, otherwise they would not be able to form this Chu State cavalry.

It's a pity that they fell in front of Ying Zheng in just one face-to-face meeting.

"Bow and arrow! Crossbow arrow!"

Xiang Yan hid behind and shouted directly at the army behind.

The soldiers here, some with bows and arrows, some with crossbows, shot at Yulinwei on the high ground.

It just needs a lot of power to go from low to high, but Chu's crossbow arrows don't have such a long range.

Chapter 116 Yulin Guards vs Chu State Cavalry! (Sixth more!) -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

It just needs a lot of power to go from low to high, but Chu's crossbow arrows don't have such a long range.

Even if two arrows were lucky enough to land on Yulinwei's body, they would not be able to penetrate their armor.

"It's too immature to want to shoot against the widowed Yulinwei."

The three-row salvo was still in progress, and the arrows continued to shoot into the Chu State cavalry, and many cavalry fell along with it.

After paying the price of more than [-] people, Xiang Yan finally led the remaining Chu State cavalry to attack Ying Zheng.

But what they faced was the black armored cavalry who were waiting for work.

The weapon fell on the black armored iron cavalry, only leaving a trace, but it could not cause unnecessary trauma to the black armored iron cavalry.

On the other hand, the cavalry of the Chu army, the leather armor on the body can be easily pierced and pierced through the chest by the iron Ge of Yu Linwei.

This turned into a massacre.

However, there were Chu State cavalrymen who were not afraid of death, and rammed directly into the black armored iron cavalry.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Even if Yu Linwei has iron armor, it is not easy to survive.

"Unfortunately, in addition to underestimating the widow's army, the Chu army also underestimated the widow's warhorse."

"These war horses have been on the battlefield for so long, and they have long been raised with fierceness."

Many war horses jumped up and stepped straight down, directly on the heads of the war horses of Chu State.

The war horses of Chu State would be knocked unconscious by a hoof, and the whole horse would fall down in front of the Yulin Iron Cavalry.

More war horses opened their mouths and bit the neck of the war horse of Chu State, pulling it to the ground.


Xiang Yan of the state of Chu was at the rear of the Chu cavalry at this time, looking at the terrifying combat power of the black armored iron cavalry, his eyes turned cold.

"Unfortunately, although Chu's weapons and equipment are excellent, they are still not as good as Qin, a war-torn country."

"If the state of Chu develops its military with all its strength, the cavalry of the state of Chu is destined to be excellent and can withstand the black-armored iron cavalry of the Qin army."

Xiang Yan roared unwillingly, but to no avail.

These [-] Chu State cavalrymen are not county divisions, private soldiers, king soldiers, etc., but the most powerful force of Chu State, the main army of Chu State!

This is a professional army. It used to follow the chariot soldiers to fight. Later, because it imitated the black armored iron cavalry, it was pulled out alone. The Chu state also wanted to show the horror similar to the Qin state.

But the first time they fought, they encountered the black armored iron cavalry, and it was extremely difficult to defeat the powerful imperial iron cavalry.

However, just when Ying Zheng felt that he could defeat Chu Qi without any suspense, Tian Ze came to Ying Zheng with a nervous expression.

ps, I was so sleepy yesterday, the number of words in this chapter is a little less. I have to go home today and I will write on the road. .

Body Chapter 117 Slash Xiangliang with one sword!

Although Chu State's cavalry was not weak, compared with the black armored iron cavalry, it was still far behind.

If the battle continued, the Chu State's cavalry would be doomed to fail, and the [-] Chu troops would not be able to seriously injure the Yulinwei boys.

As an old general, Xiang Yan could not have been unaware of this.

"Xiang Yanming knows this, but still does it, so there is only one purpose."

"He wants to kill the widow."

Ying Zheng looked at Xiang Yan's location, saw his cold face and hatred in his eyes, and instantly understood his mind.

"He feels that as long as he can catch the widow, it is worth paying all the price."

"Although Yulinwei is strong, it is a human, not a machine. If you fight for a long time, you will inevitably be exhausted. Even if you wear armor and have no strength, you can only be slaughtered by the Chu army."

"It's really a good plan for "eight or sixty"."

Ying Zheng had to sigh the veteran's wisdom.

Although Zhao Guo, who was destroyed, was powerful, he was very mindless.

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