They rely entirely on strategy and strong fighting power.

But in Chu State, the fight depends on the details.

Such as those weapons specifically aimed at warhorses, and this war of attrition.

Xiang Yan knew that the Chu army was going to die, but he still did it.

In this way, this is also the most effective way to deal with the black armored iron cavalry.

It's just that the Black Armored Cavalry has been trained for half a year, and has experienced several wars before and after, and has long had a very strong physique.

Moreover, it is precisely because of their young age that they have undergone reasonable training and a reasonable diet to create their strong physique.

But even so, it is unrealistic to want to continue the fierce battle.

"Generally, a fierce battle requires a huge army to take turns to attack and rest, and eventually consume the enemy."

"It's just the black armored cavalry. There are only [-] people. Once they lose their mobility, they lose their greatest advantage."

And the nervous Tian Ze, the situation reported even more illustrates the problem.

"Your Majesty, ten miles to the east, three hundred chariots appeared, heading here."

The chariot is one of the most powerful combat weapons in this era, and it is also the nemesis of the cavalry.

Because its speed is slower than that of a warhorse, it took so long to reach the battlefield.

This also shows that the Chu army used by Xiang Yan to pursue him is definitely not only the thousands of cavalry in the state of Chu.

"Do you want to completely arrest the widow? It depends on whether you have the strength."

Ying Zheng waved the Tianwen Sword in his hand.

"Yu Linwei, kill!"

The red rabbit horse jumped up instantly, and the terrifying bouncing force flew directly over the heads of many cavalrymen, directly breaking into the cavalry of Chu State.

Today's Chu Qi is no more than [-].

But this is still a terrifying number, and his will to fight is still tenacious, and it has not weakened in the face of the black armored cavalry.

Even though they had already killed [-] people, and the black armored cavalry had suffered less than [-] injuries, they were still fearless.

"If I die in battle, the living will support my family!"

Some Chu cavalrymen roared furiously, not afraid of death, and charged directly at Ying Zheng.

The long Ge in his hand was extremely long, and it stabbed straight into the dragon-patterned ring mail on Ying Zheng's body, and the Ge's head snapped instantly because of its enormous strength.

The next moment, he was beheaded by Ying Zheng's sword.

"Support? The supporters are just the Xiang family."

"If the Xiang family is dead, who can support you!"

Between heaven and earth, it suddenly became quiet at this moment.

The sound of the fighting horses seemed to stop instantly.

In Ying Zheng's body, he felt an internal force flowing along with it, and a golden glow gradually emerged from his body.

"With its light, with its dust, Zhanxi seems to exist."

A loud voice resounded on this battlefield, majestic and indifferent.

As if this came from the distant nine heavens.

Chapter 117 Cut Xiangliang with a Sword! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

As if this came from the distant nine heavens.

The Taoist supreme mind method, and the light are the same dust.

Ying Zheng's dragon-patterned chain mail turned completely golden at this moment.

The bundles of hair were scattered, and the black hair fluttered in the wind.

The red rabbit horse roared, like a dragon roaring.

All the Chu troops were shocked at this moment, and many Chu cavalrymen looked at Ying Zheng, already full of fear.

The state of Chu was good at witchcraft, and Ying Zheng at this time was simply a god in their eyes!

The Chu State cavalry around Ying Zheng retreated involuntarily, forming an empty circle in the end.

Some Chu State cavalrymen were even more frightened and trembling at this time.

"King a god!"

Many Chu cavalry soldiers, at this moment, really want to drop the weapons in their hands and turn around and run!

In this era, people still believe in unknown gods, especially in this great state of Chu.

In Chu country, as long as it is a god, the people of Chu will believe in it...  

In the face of Yingzheng, who is like a god, they have no idea at all about wanting to compete.

The king can be humiliated, but the gods cannot be humiliated.

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