"During the confrontation, Wang Shang's arrow shooter shot Xiang Yan's son Xiang Rong, causing Xiang Yan to assemble an army of [-] people and want to destroy us."

"However, the king still came to Shouchun Castle."

"We don't know what Wang Shang is doing in Shouchun at all, and we can't beat it, especially when Wang Shang Shouchun city set off fireworks, we were all stunned."

"However, when the fires of the Chu state were all over the place, we knew that the king had set off the entire Chu state's grain as fireworks!"

"Later, King Chu You suffered a stroke from Wang Shangqi and fell directly on the high platform on the city wall."

"As for Xiang Yan, he was shot in the back by the king's arrow. I don't know if he died or not."

After hearing Yu Linwei's words, the people of Xianyang City immediately made up the influence of Ying Zheng (Li Haozhao)'s splendid influence.

They already knew that although Ying Zheng was small, he was extremely powerful.

Da Qin established the country with military force, and Ying Zheng's power was taken for granted by the people of Da Qin.

At this time, Ying Zheng returned to the palace to wash up, and at the same time put on his mian clothes.

After all, today is New Year's Eve, so it's somewhat uncomfortable to wear armor.

However, before his clothes were served by the maids, Ying Zheng's system received a message.

[Ding, King Chu You has been successfully mad at you, gaining 10000 reputation. "

Ying Zheng was stunned when he saw this.

"A widow is mad at a king for being alive?"

"But what the widow cares about most is that after the death of King Chu You, will the state of Chu be in chaos?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help but look forward to it.

If the state of Chu is in chaos, the vast land will fall into the hands of Ying Zheng's empire!

ps, sleepy, sleep for two hours before continuing to write, it will not be too late if you oversleep. .

Chapter 120 On New Year's Eve, King Qin gave vegetables! (1/8)

It is very likely that the state of Chu will become chaotic with the death of King Chu You.

The fundamental reason is because of the issue of appointing the next King of Chu.

In fact, throughout the ages, no dynasty has been able to avoid the chaos caused by the change of power.

Ying Zheng then opened the system map.

"Because the widow has been to Shouchun in Chu, the fog in many places in Chu has dissipated."

"It's just a widow who can only see the landscape, and can't see what's happening on the land."

"Perhaps because it's not a widow's land."

"It's just about the general situation of the Chu country. These materials have been passed on to the widow's desk by the shadow guard."

Ying Zheng picked up the record paper.

"After the death of King Chu You, according to the order of succession, his younger brother Xiong You should inherit the position of King Chu."

"However, Xiong You, who likes to have fun, is not expected to be a king at all. Although the power of the Chu state is in the hands of Lingyin Liyuan, the king of Chu is just a decoration."

"But Xiong You is also the King of Chu Ai. He has no virtue and incompetence. The throne will be remembered after all, and Rugu is the most powerful competitor."

"I am destined to not be reconciled to such a 200-person person sitting in the position of the king of Chu, and thus will definitely kill the king of Chu Ai!"

Ying Zheng looked at the documents and couldn't help but feel relieved.

"At that time, when the widow's army attacks the Chu country, it will reduce a lot of resistance!"

"This is what the widow wants to see the most."

Ying Zheng felt that this New Year had been a good one.

Because he has seen that the combat power of Chu State on the system has dropped sharply to more than 9...

And Daqin has risen to 8!

Of course, in war, it is never said that whoever is stronger will win.

Right now, it was New Year's Eve, and as the King of Qin, he didn't have nothing.

Many courtiers were waiting at home, waiting for the reward of the King of Qin.

This is a very traditional custom between monarchs and ministers, giving New Year's meals.

On New Year's Eve, the guards in the palace gave the food on Ying Zheng's table to the minister to eat.

It is a great honor to be able to receive a rewarded minister.

Ying Zheng looked at the dishes in front of him, and couldn't help but feel dizzy.

"This dish is too much (bfdh), but fortunately, it is not the only one who eats it by himself."

"Unfortunately, the cooking methods in this era are not as rich as later generations, and most of them are barbecued dishes."

"Then it's cooked in a crock pot."

"Just for the widow, there is nothing wrong with letting the Shaofu build a few iron pots for cooking."

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