Ying Zheng looked at the dishes on the table and was very satisfied.

During the half year of being King of Qin, everyone would get tired of eating barbecue or something every day.

Fortunately, he was fighting most of the time, and he brought all the good cooks from Han and Zhao to Xianyang, and the food was barely acceptable.

But as the stir-fried vegetables are made, those barbecued meats are simply scum!

Braised pork, sweet and sour pork loin, twice-cooked pork, fried shredded potatoes...

Ying Zheng looked at the food on the table and found that it was still the most meat.

"There is no food at all in winter, that is, the potatoes brought out by the widow can be cooked. It seems that the widow will have to send someone to the Western Regions in the future to bring back all the seeds from the Western Regions."

Ying Zheng clenched his fists in his heart.

It's just that the people in Ying Zheng's heart are not one or two messengers, but his army!

If future generations knew that Ying Zheng started wars for food, they would inevitably say that he was tyrannical.

But now, who dares to say that, if he is not beaten to death by Ying Zheng, he will be maimed!

第120章 除夕夜,秦王赐菜!(1/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

But now, who dares to say that, if he is not beaten to death by Ying Zheng, he will be maimed!

Because he is the king.

"The beginning of giving vegetables, Lu Buwei, the prime minister, has devoted himself to assisting Da Qin and managing internal affairs for many years.

"The Great General Meng Ao, loyal to the country, and still fighting for the country at the age of sixty years, is very gratified to have a few hearts.

"General Wang Jian, guarding one side, opening up the territory, I hope to make persistent efforts and give six dishes."

"General Li Mu, although he is a subject, can guard the Xiongnu, and give him six dishes."

"Li Si, Tingwei, is in charge of the laws of the country. The people of Xianyang do not close their houses at night, and give four dishes."

"Ke Qing Han Fei... bestow four dishes."

"Zhang Han, the supervisor of the Shaofu... bestow four dishes."

"Yu Lin Wei Meng Tian... bestow four dishes."

"Shadow secret Wei Tianze... give me four dishes."

"The Widow's First Guard Sword Saint Gai Nie... bestow four dishes."

After Ying Zheng finished speaking the names of Si Cai Si Dao, he handed the list to Yan Ling Ji next to him.

"You go to arrange it, find this list and send it."

Yanling Ji Yingying bowed, and then went to sit on these things.

As for Ying Zheng, he sat on the throne and looked at his age.

The age on the system has been displayed to eleven years old.

The age on the system is calculated as one year old, which means that Ying Zheng was born in autumn. He ascended the throne in summer, and when his birthday is in autumn, he will naturally be 11 years old.

However, in the Great Qin Kingdom, the age is calculated according to the New Year.

Now that the Chinese New Year is over, Ying Zheng is already thirteen years old in the eyes of Daqin people.

According to the calendar, the year that Zhao State was destroyed was the first year of King Qin’s administration, and after the New Year, it was the first year of King Qin’s administration!

This is a pretty important thing.

Because the time of the whole country is calculated with the king as the center.

In this way, we can see how important Ying Zheng is to this country as a king.

At this time, the ministers in Xianyang City had already received the dishes one after another.

Prime Minister Lu Buwei was slightly taken aback when he received the dishes in the exquisite food box.

"Eight dishes! In the past, the best dishes were roasted beef heads and lambs!"

"This time, the king actually sent me eight paths directly!"

Looking at these dishes, Lu Buwei was a little panicked.

In this era, supplies are not rich, the emperor only eats nine dishes, and the princes can eat seven dishes. At his level, five dishes are almost the same.

However, Ying Zheng gave him eight reasons.

"What do you mean by this, Your Majesty?"

Lu Buwei panicked instantly. After all, he had a lot of power in the Qin state, and it was very likely that he would oppress Ying Zheng.

Looking at the eight dishes with all the flavors and aromas, Lu Buwei finally chose to eat only five dishes, which is what a scholar-official should eat.

"The remaining three dishes, seal up the king and return it to the king."

Lu Buwei gave orders to the attendants.

But after taking the first bite, Lu Buwei's eyes lit up.

It's so delicious!

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