At present, the empire only needs to control the economy of Xianyang City through the bank.

Because the richest people in Daqin are all in this Xianyang city.

"How are the banknotes made?"

"Your Majesty, the initial template has been made according to your request."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but watch.

Imperial banknotes, denominations are one copper, one cloth, five cloth, ten cloth four grades.

The so-called one copper represents one five baht money.

A piece of cloth, representing the value of a piece of cloth, can be exchanged for 10 five baht money.

Five pieces of cloth are five pieces of cloth.

Ten pieces of cloth are ten pieces of cloth.

Although Ying Zheng wanted to set it up as one yuan, five yuan and ten yuan, but the people of the Warring States period only recognized copper coins and cloth.

Therefore, the value of this note is also calculated with cloth.

"In addition to the face value printed on this banknote, there is also the year of issuance of the currency."

"For example, this one has a year of King Qin's administration on it, with the king's portrait on the front and Xianyang Palace on the back."

Ying Zheng turned it over and saw that this banknote was beautifully made, and in this 18th century, it was already a work of art.

This is of course also because Da Qin listed the best craftsmen, and Ying Zheng got some good things out of the system, so he made these banknotes.

As for Wang Wan, he was summoned by Ying Zheng soon after.

"Establish an imperial bank and let paper money circulate in Xianyang, can you do it?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

Wang Wan took the order directly, carrying bundles of banknotes from the Shaofu, and the officials in charge of taking care of the money and food, and occupied a quite prosperous attic in Xianyang City, hanging up the plaque of 'Imperial Bank', and then Completely opened.

Although Wang Wan didn't understand the specific production method of the bank, he couldn't bear that he was a rare talent in the Seven Kingdoms, otherwise it would be impossible to become the prime minister of Da Qin in the future.

Bank exchange is the simplest way of bartering.

In addition, it was presided over by Wang Wan, a celebrity among the imperial ministers, so many ministers and others would patronize it.

When the Qin people in Xianyang City saw those banknotes again, their eyes suddenly turned red.

"It's so beautiful!"

"This thing is even more exquisite than the bond issued last time. This thing can be spent as money."

"A piece of cloth is exchanged for a piece of paper money, it's a good deal! I have fifty pieces of cloth in my house, and if I put it in it, it will fall ashes. It's all changed!"

"The ropes used to string copper coins in my house are all rotten, so let's replace them with this kind of money!"

"My food is almost rotten, and it looks like it will be kept for a long time."

At this moment, the people in Xianyang City took out all the excess money and goods in their homes and exchanged them for this kind of exquisite silver money.

At the entrance of the Imperial Bank, a long line of dragons was photographed because of this.

Countless treasures were then transported to the young mansion.

Zhang Han was completely stunned when he saw this behind the scenes.

"The king actually used those exquisite papers in exchange for so much wealth."

Zhang Han felt that he couldn't understand what was going on at all, but looking at these things, he had already admired Ying Zheng very much.

"Perhaps only the king can come up with such a way to gather the world's money and grain, and finally support the construction of the empire!"

At this moment, Lu Buwei, the prime minister who knew this scene, was also stunned.

He didn't know how useful those notes were.

第128章 发行纸币,国库充足!(1/10)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

He didn't know how useful those notes were.

But he knew that Ying Zheng had greatly eased the crisis within the empire by doing so.

"The king wants to use millions of people to support the construction of the empire. Food will be supplied to the expedition army first, and domestic labor will be supplied later."

"But the food in the empire is not enough after all."

"But the king did this, but filled the treasury with those money and grain, and those banknotes can even be circulated in the market, and they can pay taxes on behalf of the common people..."

"In this way, it seems that the governance of the empire has been simplified a lot..."

Different from those muddleheaded courtiers, Lu Buwei's keen sense of smell had already begun to feel the changes in the Qin Empire.

"The Imperial Bank, from now on, is destined to become the behemoth of the empire!"

"It might take over all the economy in the country and even make trade more prosperous."

Lu Buwei quickly understood many things.

It's just that for Ying Zheng, he only needs to come up with a concept that is beneficial to the empire.

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