The next thing will be done by those courtiers.

In short, these banknotes were not only exchanged for food, but also began to circulate in Xianyang City.

The people in Xianyang City gradually fell in love with this kind of life.

"Every time I buy something, I have to carry a piece of cloth to change things. But now, as long as you carry paper money, you can save a lot of trouble."

"Before I wanted to eat a meal, I had to use the car to pull the money. With these banknotes, it's not too convenient to eat."

"Yeah! It seems that after having this note, it's easier to do anything."

"The most important thing is that the king's appearance is on it!"

"Yes! With this money, everyone can see the king."

Everyone looked at the majestic Ying Zheng face with baby fat on the coins, and their eyes were full of respect.

What makes Ying Zheng ironic is that many people put money on the 647 wall, and then donate it...

Moreover, this has attracted many people to follow suit!

It is said that as long as this money is provided, even if the officials enter the house, they will not dare to become so arrogant.

Ying Zheng never imagined that so many interesting things would happen when he issued banknotes by himself.

However, doing so would speed up the flow of wealth.

What surprised him was that some merchants actually started to hoard paper money, and then sold them to the surrounding cities of Xianyang City, in order to obtain more wealth.

As a result, the circulation of banknotes is accelerated.

These people, ridiculously, treat these banknotes as commodities.

However, only Ying Zheng knows that the issuance of these banknotes has given the empire a huge logistical support to support this year's major construction!

This is equivalent to gathering the country's money to engage in construction!

The success of this release has exceeded Ying Zheng's imagination.

But soon, the festival of lights will come.

Ying Zheng promised to let the people have a happy holiday.

It's just that a red light flashes on the system map at this time.

There is war!The Lantern Festival is here, and it's starting!

ps, anyway, by this time tomorrow, Xiaohuo wants to write ten more.

Whether I can achieve it or not, I will try it. .

Text Chapter 129 Empire Yongchang Wei State Attacks (2/10)

Ying Zheng never thought that Wei Guo was even more maddened than him.

He didn't let Chu State have a stable year, and Wei State didn't even want Da Qin to have a stable year.

Wei State, before the official spring season begins, has already launched an attack on the Great Qin State!

Ying Zheng looked at the map, dumbfounded.

"Choosing to attack on the day of the festival of lights... is really surprising enough."

The Festival of Lights is a joyous day for all the people.

Even the borders are the same.

But on such a day, the State of Wei assembled all the troops and launched an attack on the State of Qin.

[-] troops, desperate!

Wei State is different from Zhao State of Korea.

Although the country of Wei is not large now, it is a country full of heritage.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but open the more detailed information about Wei State on the desk.

"The two countries, Han and Zhao, are at best a small country, and they have never been the lord and hegemony, and the foundation is simply not enough!"

"However, Wei Kingdom has really dominated! And it's not just one or two generations!"

"Of course this history goes back to Jin!"

"Three families are divided into Jin, and Wei is divided into the most precious wealth of Jin."

"And among the five hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period, only Jin has been the hegemon for the longest time, with three generations!"

"Governing from the arch of Duke Xiang of Jin, Duke Mu of Qin and Qin, the overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period, was defeated one after another."

"Until the next generation of Duke Jingjing will continue to dominate the Central Plains, no country will dare to fight against Jin!"

"And then to the country of Wancheng, where the Duke of Jin is behind, there are three generations of hegemons!"

"Later, the division of the Three Jins also allowed the Spring and Autumn Period to enter the Warring States Period!"

"And Wei, without a doubt, has inherited the heritage of Jin!"

"The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, and the Wei Kingdom was the first to dominate."

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