Ying Zheng's eyes seemed to pass through the long river of history and landed on the land that belonged to Wei State on the map.

"Today, the forces of the three kingdoms of Wei, Chu and Yan against widows add up to no more than one million."

"And back then, in the Wei Kingdom alone, there were millions of soldiers in armor, and among them, the most elite and invincible Wei Wu soldiers had 20 soldiers!"

"Wei Wushou wears heavy armor, holds a sword and a sword, carries a twelve-loaded crossbow, carries 50 crossbow arrows in the negative arrow bag, carries three days' rations, and can travel 100 miles in half a day!"

"It was with these elite soldiers that Wei almost perished against Daqin."

"Although the current state of Wei is not as elegant as it used to be, its heritage still exists."

"The widow didn't even think that there are [-] people in Wei Guozhong after Wei Wu died!"

Ying Zheng looked at the Wei Wu (biag) pawn that appeared on the system Daqin map, full of shock.

"Even the widowed shadow guards haven't spied on the real situation of Wei State. Wei State can actually hide so many Wei Wu soldiers!"

Wei Wu pawns against the Great Qin Ruishi!

This is the confrontation between the two mighty legions of the old age and the new age.

Just watching the city gradually fall, Ying Zheng's eyes have become dignified.

"It's not that a widowed warrior does not underestimate Wei Wuzu. One-on-one, a widowed warrior can easily defeat Wei Wuzu."

"Because of the iron swords and steel crossbows in the hands of Ruishi Daqin, it is not difficult to defeat the heavy armor on Wei Wuzu's body."

"However, the problem is that Wei Wuzu is a bunch of lunatics!"

"They fight without rules, just relying on the number of people and swarming them."

"It's ruthless!"

The corners of Ying Zheng's mouth twitched.

"[-] Qin Ruishi, who has [-] Wei Wu soldiers fighting the widow, is really bullying people!"

Ying Zheng slapped the table directly, and he slapped the Tanmu long case in half with a single slap.

"Bai Feng!"

A white feather floated down along with it, Bai Feng stepped on it, leaped to the ground with her strength, and bowed down in front of Ying Zheng.

第129章 帝国永昌 魏国出击(2/10)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

A white feather floated down along with it, Bai Feng stepped on it, leaped to the ground with her strength, and bowed down in front of Ying Zheng.


"Tell Wang Ben, let the Wei army run rampant today, and raise its arrogance. Wang Jian's army will arrive later!"

"Bai Feng leads the order."

The figure of Bai Feng disappeared in Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng's eyes could not help but fall on those Wei Wu pawns.

"Don't you rely on the crowd?"

"Okay! I'll let you know what it means to be a real crowd!"

Ying Zheng clenched his fist tightly.

"It's a pity that today, the widow can't get out of this Xianyang City."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but stand in front of the gate of Zhangtai Palace, where he could overlook the entire Xianyang City.

At this time, in Xianyang City, the lights were brilliant, and Ying Zheng could see many people shouting happily in the alleys.

He began to indulge in this prosperous Xianyang city.

It's just that, [-] miles away, the Daqin warriors are fighting to the death with Wei in order to defend the prosperity here!

In the end, Ying Zheng chose to remain silent.

He couldn't bear to let this war break the carnival in Xianyang City!

However, the Oriental Beacon Tower has turned into a long smoke, constantly rushing towards Xianyang City.

There are more than 800 beacon towers in the [-]-mile beacon tower!

It may take some time to pass it on to Xianyang City.

When the night fell completely, the fireworks event also began.

Last time, many Qin people in Xianyang missed such beautiful fireworks. This time, all the people of Xianyang City refused to let it go.

The bell in Xianyang City rang, and then echoed in the huge Xianyang City.

All the people could not help but look towards the highest direction in Xianyang City.

Qin Palace!

As long as you look up, you can see the high Zhangtai Palace, and all the old Qin people will feel at ease with just one glance.

Because they knew that their king lived in Zhangtai Palace.

At this time, they could see a figure wearing a Mian suit under the moonlight, quietly looking at everything in Xianyang City.

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