The people who discovered this scene could not help but bow to Ying Zheng from afar.

At the same time, the fireworks display has fully begun.

"Today's fireworks are really beautiful!"

"It seems to be even more obsessive than on New Year's Eve."

This kind of fireworks was put on for half an hour, and when the last fireworks broke out, all the people of Xianyang were suffocated by it.

When the fireworks bloomed, four quaint seal characters slowly formed over the empire.

"Empire Yongchang."

The huge font, the people of Xianyang City are extremely shocked.

Those who are literate also read it silently.

"Empire Yongchang!"

This sentence then spread in Xianyang City.

The four seal scripts lasted for more than ten breaths before they slowly dissipated. The people of Xianyang City read 'Empire Yongchang', and everyone involuntarily bowed to the direction of the palace.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Empire Yongchang!"

However, at this time, the beacon fire from the east had already spread to Xianyang City.

ps, I don't know why the last chapter was suddenly drawn, that chapter will not be charged, this chapter is the right one.

Xiaohuo is going to sleep, wake up and continue to work! .

Chapter 130 Open the city gate!Pacers set off! (3/10)

When the empire felt the most powerful, the flames followed.

Beacon Tower, for 800 consecutive miles, the people of many empires, at this moment, know that the war has started!

Obviously, the people of the Wei country felt that Ying Zheng did the first year of the first year, and they did the fifteenth!

Therefore, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the State of Wei directly launched an attack on the State of Qin.

Even in Qin State, it was the most lax day of defense. Wei State took down eight cities one after another, until it reached the bottom of Wang Ben City~.

"In the past, the king led three thousand black-armored iron cavalry, and he could break the two countries of Han and Zhao!"

"We are foot soldiers, we will prove today that we are not much worse than the black armored cavalry!"

"Li Xin!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead the Great Qin Ruishi to guard the city for this general!"

"The last general takes orders!"

"Warrior Armored Soldier!"


The three thousand people drank all at once, their blood burning all over.


In front of the city gate in the city, the armored soldiers of three thousand paces, with the help of their servants, quickly replaced the iron armor weighing up to [-] kilograms.

When the equipment was finished, Wang Ben was already standing in front of them.

Three thousand armored soldiers formed a tight formation and stood in the city.

In the city, everyone felt the slight vibration of the earth.

It was the [-] military soldiers of the Wei Kingdom, who were not afraid of death and launched a charge against the city.

Three thousand paces of armored soldiers, each with serious eyes.

They knew very well that if they could not stop these Wei Wu soldiers from here, then Wei Wu soldiers would go all the way westward and approach Hangu Pass.

Wang Ben stood in front of all the soldiers and slowly raised his head.

"Open the city gate!"

"Open the city gate!"

The guards pulled a long tone, and several soldiers worked together to open the heavy city gate.

squeak... crunch...

The city gate, which had not been repaired for a long time, made a harsh sound, and a touch of red sunlight also fell on Wang Ben's face.

The gate of the city was completely opened, and Wang Ben drew out a seven-foot iron sword and held it high.

"Let's go!"


The footsteps, armored and armored, walked out of the city like a turtle with steady and heavy steps.

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