After walking for hundreds of breaths, he completely walked out of the city and formed a square formation in front of the city gate.

The city gate behind him made a harsh sound again and slowly closed.


The gates of the city were completely closed, and the three thousand paced armored soldiers completely became a force on this battlefield, and finally still in the wild.

They can even see that the smoke and dust in front of them are getting closer and closer, and everyone can't help clenching their spears.

The [-] Wei Wu soldiers seemed overwhelming!

Forty times the strength of his own, he was like a lone boat in the raging waves, and it seemed that it would be completely overturned in the blink of an eye.

The running Wei Wu pawns saw this Qin army in the blink of an eye.

If the infantry and armored warriors are fierce tigers, then Wei Wuzun is a group of hungry wolves.

The [-] Wei Wu pawns were like terrifying wolves. After finding their target, they frantically gnawed at the foot soldiers.

As the distance got closer, Wang Ben was able to see Wei Wuzu's incomparably murderous gaze.

第130章 开城门!步人甲出征!(3/10)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

As the distance got closer, Wang Ben was able to see Wei Wuzu's incomparably murderous gaze.


The warriors and armored warriors exchanged secrets, and the shield walls fell one after another on the ground, smashing shallow marks on the uncivilized ground.

dong dong dong...

The sound of the shield hitting the ground increased the momentum of the army.

Three thousand people, even in the face of [-] Wei Wu soldiers, what is there to fear!

Inside the shield wall, even the armored soldiers raised their steel crossbows and shot them upwards in the direction of Wei Wuzu.

The crossbow arrows were as dense as rain, and the strong penetration was strengthened, and in the blink of an eye, many Wei Wu stroke arrows fell to the ground one after another.

But this could not hinder Wei Wuzu's charge in the slightest, but completely stimulated their fierceness.

As the range approached, Wei Wuzu's crossbow arrows also shot, but even a twelve-loaded crossbow bow could not shoot the armor piercer's armor at all.

In the first encounter, no one was injured.

Compared with Wei Wuzu's crossbow arrows, which can only shoot one round, they start to face each other, and the infantry armored soldiers in the shield wall can continuously throw crossbow arrows outside the city wall.

The shouting and killing on the battlefield covered the sky and the sun.

The billowing smoke and dust that rose up completely drowned the foot soldiers, and also blocked Ying Zheng's sight on the system map.

Ying Zheng's brows furrowed slightly.

· · · Flowers 0 ·

"The current state of Wei has not gone through more than [-] years of decline, but it is still a period of prosperity."

"We can see the fierceness of Wei Wu's pawns."

"It's just a little bit difficult to defeat the warriors who want to defeat the widow."

Ying Zheng waved his hand lightly on the system map, and the dust floating in the air was instantly blown away, allowing him to see the situation on the battlefield again.

Many Wei Wu soldiers slammed into the iron shields of the Qin army soldiers, and the huge collision sound continued to make muffled sounds.

It's just that Wei Wuzun used his run-up to send out a powerful impact, and the heavy iron shield still only shook slightly.

Those Wei Wu pawns made a muffled sound because of this.

Just when Wei Wuzu wanted to tear the shield wall, a long spear stabbed out of the small hole in the shield wall. fall to the ground.


Then the spear stabbed again, stabbing the Wei Wu pawn behind!

Tactics, gun formation!

Rao is Wei Wuzun's fierce and fierce, and he can't help but break through the thick shield wall!

In the blink of an eye, the Wei Wu pawns in front of the shield were completely emptied.

Wang Ben also seized the opportunity.

"Raise your shield and make ten!"

This kind of training, three thousand soldiers do not know how many words have been trained.

All drank together.

"Raise your shield and make ten!"

The three thousand armored soldiers, like one body, advanced ten steps forward, and the heavy shield fell to the ground again.

In the army formation, there were many undead Wei Wu soldiers lying on the ground. They wanted to attack the armored soldiers, but the weapons in their hands were difficult to even leave scratches on the infantry armor!

The angry Wei Wuzu even saved the leg of the Buren Jiajia soldier, biting when he opened his mouth, and the next moment he broke a good tooth.

I don't know which soldier's foot stepped directly on his head, plus the weight of more than [-] catties, when he stepped down, that Wei Wu soldier completely fainted.

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