In the rear, there were even more foot soldiers holding short knives and easily cut their throats!

However, the [-]-step soldiers were also instantly overwhelmed by the army of Wei Wuzu.

There are enemies everywhere!

ps, I was lethargic for a day, I felt full of energy, and I started to get started. .

Chapter 131 General Meng Wu, a different black armored cavalry (4/10)

Ying Zheng watched the battlefield on the eastern frontier. He did not expect that Wei State would have such a strong spirit and launched an attack on Da Qin.

"Today's Infantry Armored Soldiers are simply war machines."

"This is different from the high mobility of the black armored cavalry."

"The foot soldiers have a strong defensive ability, just like a meat grinder."

"With close cooperation, as long as there are no mistakes, Wei Wuzun can't help this meat grinder at all."

On the battlefield, the battle continues.

Wei Wuzun had already surrounded the Buren Jiajia soldiers and fought for half an hour, but he couldn't injure any of the Buren Jiajia soldiers!

On the contrary, it was Wei Wu's pawn who was swallowed up by more than [-] soldiers!

This is already the biggest setback in the Wei Kingdom war.

And there are [-] Wei Wu soldiers on the four sides of the foot soldiers, armor and soldiers, and they are attacking "Eight Seven Three" frantically.

The remaining Wei Wu pawns rushed towards the city wall frantically.


"Destroy the city first, and then consume Qin's heavy armor!"

The goals of many Wei Wu pawns fell on the city.

In the city, there are [-] great Qin Ruishis led by Li Xin, and [-] people who have been requisitioned.

What they faced was the [-] Wei Wu pawns who attacked first, and the light armoured soldiers of the Wei state!

"Defend the city wall! Just wait until the army arrives! The Wei army is waiting for us to fight!"

On the city wall, Li Xin tried his best to roar.

As long as Wang Jian's army arrives, these Wei forces are likely to be determined by the Great Qin battle!

Be sure to tragic siege battle, also began.

Ying Zheng couldn't help looking at Li Xin, the young general guarding the city.

He is Wang Ben's lieutenant. Although he is not very famous yet, there is no doubt that he is one of the famous generals of the empire!

"In history, Li Xin once led the Qin army to attack the state of Chu and directly hit the city of Shouchun, but in the end, he did not completely occupy the state of Chu. Instead, he was defeated."

"But it's not impossible for Li Xin. His descendant, Li Guang, is also a famous general."

"Feng Tang is easy to be old, Li Guang is difficult to seal, and flying general Li Guang makes the Xiongnu fear, but it is precisely because of his high merit that he is not named a marquis in the end."

"But in a widowed empire, this is not a problem at all!"

Ying Zheng is full of confidence.

"I don't know what kind of surprise Li Xin will bring to the widow."

Having said that, his sight has already missed the battlefield here.

He saw the direction of Xinzheng.

The [-]-strong army of the Qin State had long been led by Wang Jian and guarded here.

Originally, he had to wait until the next spring to start attacking Wei.

I just didn't expect that on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the war would have completely broken out.

When the beacon fire was ignited, the army was completely set off.

"I'm afraid it will take a day for the army to rush to the battlefield from Xinzheng."

"But the black armored cavalry, it doesn't take so long!"

Sitting in Xinzheng Zhong, Wang Jian quickly mastered the form on the battlefield.

"Meng Wu!"

"The end is here."

The incomparably strong Meng Wu walked out directly.

Meng Wu is also a member of the Meng family, the son of Meng Ao, and the father of Meng Tian and Meng Yi.

It's just that Meng Wu's combat power is still a bit worse than these famous Qin generals.

But in addition to Yulinwei's three thousand black armored iron cavalry, these black armored iron cavalry composed of veterans of the Chu State are also controlled by the Meng family.

This is Ying Zheng's most elite force.

But now Mengwu is to be dispatched by Wang Jian.

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