"You lead [-] black armored iron cavalry, and quickly support, you must arrive within three hours."

第131章 将军蒙武,不一样的玄甲铁骑兵(4/10)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"You lead [-] black armored iron cavalry, and quickly support, you must arrive within three hours."


Meng Wu directly led the black armored iron cavalry and rushed to the front line.

When Mengwu's black armored cavalry arrived on the battlefield, it was already completely dark.

Around the small soil city, there was an army of [-] people from Wei State, which looked extremely terrifying.

With more than 3 people and a small soil city, it has been able to resist the army of [-] for so long, which has proved the strength of Daqin soldiers.

However, Da Qin Ruishi, who was defending the city, had already lost thousands of people under the attack of these three hours.

They don't know how long they can last.

Although none of the foot soldiers and armored soldiers below were injured, they fought hard for three hours in a row. Even if they could take turns to rest behind the shield wall, they were already tired and numb.

If it weren't for the amazing defense of the armor on their bodies, they wouldn't know how many times they would have died.

Meng Wu can naturally observe the situation on this battlefield.

"This small town is in danger of overturning at any time!"

"But luckily we're here already..."

"Mysterious armored cavalry! Charge!"


The black armored iron cavalry galloped on their horses, covered with two rounds of crossbow arrows, and they had already rushed straight into the Wei army.

On the periphery, it is not Wei Wu's pawn.

These light-armored soldiers, facing the black-armored iron cavalry, did not have much resistance at all.

For a time, Wei's light infantry couldn't help but panic.

"Qin's black armored cavalry, be careful!"

"Tripping the cable! Quickly use the tripping cable!"

For a time, Wei Jun responded quickly.

Compared with the surprise attack of the Yulin Guards cavalry before, the Black Armored Cavalry had already been recognized by the Wei State, and they also thought of a method of restraint.


Meng Wu is not Ying Zheng after all!

These black armored cavalry are not Yulinwei at all.

If it was Ying Zheng or the Yulin Guard led by Meng Tian, ​​I'm afraid they would jump right in.

Do not break through the enemy, swear not to give up.

Because Yu Linwei has long developed an invincible army spirit, if you can fight, you will win the battle.

But Mengwu, the black armored cavalry, are all veterans!

Meng Tian's teenagers didn't feel bad for war horses and armors at all.

But these veterans feel that the armor is scratched a little, and they can feel distressed for several days.

Meng Wu rushed into the Wei army, but did not rush in, but made a circle around the periphery, and then rushed out at the frontier army. 2.3

Wei Jun was stunned?

"Why didn't you rush in? Did you know that we set a trap inside?"

"How did they go? Stop hitting us?"

Wei Jun was already stunned.

Their army has already begun a small-scale chaos. If they continue to charge, it is very likely that the army will be scattered.

Who can refuse such a great military exploit.

However, Meng Wu can!

And the one who fights with Mengwu is called a cautious one, who takes this group of veterans with you, and the one who fights is called a wretched...

Meng Wujiang's black armored iron cavalry had the mobility to the extreme, and each black armored iron cavalry had four sacks.

In each pack, there are 100 crossbow arrows!

Each cavalry has 400 light crossbow arrows!

ps, eat something, keep writing! .

Body Chapter 132 Empire Generals Ranking, Weird General Meng Wu (5/10)

Meng Wu, although he is also a famous general, his fighting style cannot be regarded as a general.

This is why in history, his father Meng Ao was able to be a general, and his son Meng Tian was able to be a general, and he was always a deputy general.

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