Imperial Navy, needs a new filter.

This army needs more people than the black armored cavalry and infantry armored soldiers.

The Imperial Navy needs roughly [-] people!

The number of foot soldiers is only 3000.

The black armored cavalry, the development is now only [-].

Only the Craftsman Army is special, with 3000 craftsmen, but when it is necessary, there are definitely tens of thousands of craftsmen who can be mobilized by Gong Shuqiu.

For example, the craftsmen in this Wei Kingdom have already been taken away by the artisan army.

"It seems that this selection is a lot more difficult."

"But after all, there are 1 troops here, and it is not difficult to choose more than [-] sailors."

"Of course the most important thing is to be able to drive the boat away."

"The paddlers on the ship don't need warriors either."

The composition of Yulinwei is the youth of the empire.

The composition of Infantry, Armor and Soldier is the prime of the empire.

And the composition of the artisan army is all the craftsmen of the empire.

His navy team should also have its own characteristics.

"Pawser, slave 19 available!"

The number of slaves in the Qin state can be said to be extremely large.

These slaves are generally pulled to the border to guard the border, and some are pulled into the army to be responsible for logistical support.

Among these [-] troops, there are naturally many slaves.

They all want to build credit and eventually get rid of their slave status.

Only by possessing the identity of Qin people can you use Qin's promotion system to gain a higher status.

In fact, slaves are not necessarily treated unfairly.

In Han Fei's eyes, if he saw that the slaves were treated well, he would definitely be furious.

"One time, Han Fei fell asleep, and the hat officer covered Han Fei with a quilt. Han Fei woke up and asked who covered it. The clothes officer said that the hat officer covered it."

"Han Fei was furious when he heard this and punished both of them."

"The officer in charge was punished because he didn't put a quilt on Han Fei and put his body on it."

"And the head of the hat was punished because he overstepped his authority."

"The laws of the Qin state are about what kind of person and what kind of thing they do, and nail a person firmly in one position."

"A slave is a slave, a peasant is a peasant, a craftsman is a craftsman, and a merchant is a merchant."

"They are absolutely not allowed to do anything beyond their duty."

"However, these have been improved by the widow. Although it is still strict, at least there is still a little humanity in it."

When Ying Zheng saw Li Xin's screening, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"These young people, unlike the old people, can make better use of these people."

Ying Zheng was quite satisfied with Li Xin's performance.

After all, the entire empire has become full of vitality because of the contributions of these young people.

Ying Zheng likes to make the entire empire full of vitality.

Only in this way can the empire last longer.

At the same time, Ying Zheng also looked at Wei Di's situation.

Since the army only occupied Daliang, there are still many cities in Wei land that have not been captured.

Now these cities or Kaesong surrendered, or the arm of the chariot.

In short, these people do not want to surrender easily.

And Qin Jun's attitude towards these people is even more ruthless destruction!

"Now that flying bridges have been used in the Wei land, it has become easier to siege cities."

"As long as the flying bridge is set up, and the soldiers in the front hold their shields, they can climb to the other side's city wall."

第182章 舂米,后勤补给不足(2/6)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"As long as the flying bridge is set up, and the soldiers in the front hold their shields, they can climb to the other side's city wall."

"This kind of siege will become easier."

"It's just that it will take some time to completely regain Wei Di."

However, this was Ying Zheng, and he also looked into the interior of the empire.

"It's just that according to the shadow guard, the empire is not very peaceful."

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