"Many people are waiting for the widow to fight against Chu."

"Those people think that only the widowers fight against the Chu State, which may exhaust the strength of the two great powers, and eventually give them a chance to restore the country."

"Whether it's Han Di or Zhao Di, those people are thinking this way."

Ying Zheng's eyes became extremely cold at this moment.

"Since these people still want to restore their glory, the widows will give them a chance."

"Chu Kingdom, don't rush to attack!"

Ying Zheng thought for a while, and finally summoned Wang Ben into the hall.

"Wang Ben, you led the infantry armor and [-] troops to Nanjun to support Mengao."

"No matter what, Nanjun must not fall!"

"If possible, fight back the land in Nan County little by little."

"The location is very close to us, so in terms of logistics, it is not difficult."


Wang Ben took the order and made arrangements quickly.

"Bai Feng."

Bai Feng knelt directly on the ground.

"Tell Meng Yi to build the roads leading to various places quickly."


Bai Feng took the letter talisman and ran into the distance.

Today, the entire Great Qin Empire has become a huge construction site.

Except for some people who have already started farming, the rest have begun to excavate Zhengguo Canal and build Chidao Shanglin Garden.

Throughout the empire, things are being repaired everywhere, and labor is everywhere.

But no one complained.

First of all, the food that Ying Zheng gave to the laborers was good, and it could solve their rations.

Second, they can also receive banknotes printed with Ying Zhengtou.

430 At first, they didn't appreciate paper money, but after discovering the convenience of paper money, they got used to it.

However, the direction of Xianyang sent a letter to Ying Zheng.

This was written by Zhang Han, and it said that the world was expedited, and it was sent here by the imperial mailman.

"The milled rice needed by the army is not enough?"

Ying Zheng was a little stunned.

"The empire's food can be used for a few years, why is it not enough now?"

Ying Zheng called Wang Jian directly, and quickly understood what was going on.

"Reporting to the king, the grain of the empire is not shelled, and rice needs to be pounded before every meal."

"The so-called pounding rice is to put the rice with the shell in the pit, then beat it with a hammer, and finally the rice shell is removed, and then the rice can be cooked."

"There is even a criminal law in the empire, which is pounding. Some female criminals will be punished for pounding rice if the crime is not serious, and they will never be free."

"This has already seen how hard it is to pound the rice, and it has even become a punishment."

"And the rice pounded by these female prisoners will be supplied to the government and given priority to the army."

But now, because Ying Zheng has directly more than doubled the number of troops, there is not enough milled rice, so the army has to send husk grains to the army.

In this way, if the army wants to eat, they have to pound rice for a long time before they can eat...

Body Chapter 183 Shui Wu, liberating the productivity of the empire (3/6)

If the soldiers are allowed to pound the rice and cook by themselves, it will greatly delay the fighter plane.

Undoubtedly, this is going to be a huge problem.

And the fundamental problem is that Ying Zheng is engaged in construction and the reason for the crazy expansion of the army.

Local food supplies are not enough.

"Do you pound rice? There is no shelling machine in this era, so the speed is much slower."

"But without a shelling machine, can't you do it?"

Ying Zheng thought about it, and finally opened the system map and searched the system store.

Among them, there are three drawings.

The first is the hammer.

The principle is to use the lever principle to swing the hammer with the hand and turn it into a foot drop hammer.

"Using this principle can make rice pounding more labor-saving and the efficiency will be doubled."

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