"Finally, the interior of the state of Chu was even more united. They were frugal and thrifty, and they gathered an army of [-] people, which can provide food for a year!"

Ying Zheng's brows also frowned.

"Although there are three households in Chu, Qin must be killed by Chu."

"Even if the empire occupied the state of Chu, within the territory of the state of Chu, there are still countless people who rebelled!"

"Whether it's Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, or Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, they're all from Chu!"

"In the beginning, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu rebelled under the name of the King of Chu. At the end, Xiang Yu killed the King of Chu and established himself as the Overlord of Western Chu."

"This country of Chu will not only fight for peace, but also completely solve the hidden dangers in the country of Chu!"

On the way, Ying Zheng did not rush to Nanjun, but directly led Yu Linwei from Handan to Xianyang!

Meng Tian was puzzled.

第226章 科学技术就是第一生产力,百万人的城邦!(5/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

Meng Tian was puzzled.

"Your Majesty, shouldn't we carry the power of destroying the four kingdoms and attack the state of Chu in one fell swoop?"

"If you give Chu country a period of time, maybe they will react."

But Ying Zheng said: "Don't worry, our army is [-], and the enemy army is [-]. They must consume more food and grass than us."

"Let them consume it!"

"The country needs a major sorting out, so that we can concentrate our efforts and destroy Chu in one fell swoop."

"This time, not only will the Chu State be destroyed, but the Chu State will be completely destroyed!"

"Top to bottom, complete annihilation!"

After Ying Zheng destroyed the Yan Kingdom, he had already sensed the hidden dangers of the empire.

There are too many countries, and after all, many people are not convinced!

Today, within the Empire, a greater adjustment is required.

And this kind of adjustment can only be done after arriving in Xianyang.

Along the way, Ying Zheng recruited many craftsmen and gathered them all at Shanglin Garden in Xianyang.

Only by relying on these craftsmen can more value be created.

These are naturally all in Ying Zheng's calculations.

"From Jicheng to Xianyang, if there is a high-speed rail for later generations, it is estimated that it will arrive in a few hours."

"But now, even if there are fast horses galloping, it will take so long to arrive."

"This speed is really too slow."

"Science and technology are the primary productive forces!"

"Only the rational use of science can liberate the productive forces and make the widow's empire stronger."

"Only when the country becomes stronger can the life of the widow become stronger."

Ying Zheng didn't know how much turmoil it would cause within the Qin state to create a household of Qimin.

But all the craftsmen, nearly [-]%, are all incorporated into Shanglin Garden.

Whether they like it or not.


The rule of Qin is roughly divided into four levels.

Xianyang, county, county, township!

Xianyang's orders were issued to the county, the county government was issued to the counties, and finally the counties were issued to the townships!

This is all because there are too few people.

Because everyone is on the household registration, it is not difficult to collect all the craftsmen.

This is a big project, at least it will take a while.

In the government, Ying Zheng's words were conveyed.

"Ninety percent of the craftsmen in the world are in Xianyang, and a large city with a capacity of one million people will be built in Shanglin Garden, all of which are imperial craftsmen!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"A city with a million people?"

"There are not many big cities with a hundred thousand in the world, Xianyang, Daliang, Shouchun, Handan, etc..."

"But today's king, actually wants to build a big city that can accommodate a million people?"

"This...how big will it be?"

At this moment, all the craftsmen were full of shock.

Even Lu Buwei couldn't help but click his tongue secretly after receiving the news.

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