"A big city with a million people? I have lived for so long, and I have never seen it!"

"How can so many people live in a city?"

"After the construction is completed, how long will it take?"

After Ying Zheng's order was issued, Lu Buwei was completely stumped. .

Chapter 227 Three hundred towers, luxurious? (6/8)

What the people of the empire were waiting for was not news of an attack on Chu, but the construction of a large city that could accommodate a million people.

This is impossible in everyone's mind.

One hundred thousand people is already considered a big city, and one million people, how vast is the area?

Many people find it unimaginable.

"Xianyang is already a big city with [-] people. It is unimaginable to build a big city with a million people."

In the impression of these people, a city that can accommodate millions of people is simply unimaginable.

It's just that Ying Zheng knew that a city of one million people, in later generations, would barely be considered a small city.

Like the imperial capital, the population has already exceeded [-] million!

If you count the city clusters around God Capital, even if the people from the seven kingdoms have passed by now, they will be dissatisfied.

"Building a big city with a million people can be built in Shanglin Garden."

"This is a city that belongs to craftsmen. Not only should there be water power around it, but also various workshops should be built."

"All artisans will serve the empire, so they can get the food they need."

"This is a city of craftsmen."

"As for how to accommodate a million people, it's actually quite simple."

"Most people of this era live in one-story buildings, and even if there are occasionally a few restaurants, they are only two or three-story buildings."

"A widow, but you can let these people live in a six-story building!"

What Ying Zheng was thinking of, was the tube tower of later generations!

"A batch of Tongzilou must be built first, so that these migrants can be accommodated."

Ying Zheng opened the system store and began to sift through the drawings.

"Most of the Tongzi Towers are three or four stories high, and they are barracks-style buildings that use public kitchens and toilets."

"But for people of this era, the Tongzilou is much better except for the lack of a yard!"

"First build it according to the package that can accommodate a million people ¨〃."

"Each tower is four stories high, each floor can accommodate 100 people, and one can accommodate more than 400 people."

"The 50 towers are divided into one area, and one area can accommodate [-] people."

"And to accommodate 100 million people, only [-] tubular towers are needed!"

"In the middle of these bungalows, a horse track lane can be built for travel."

"The first floor can be a little higher for commercial use."

"It's just that the number [-] is too bad. Let's build [-] first."

Ying Zheng finally had a plan in his mind.

Although he passed the system, he could build a better house.

But time is the biggest issue.

These bungalows have been repaired, and the residences must be solved first before better buildings can be built.

"Besides, when the new city is built, it can be transformed to live in slaves."

Ying Zheng had a rough plan in his mind.

Shanglin Garden is better known as Ying Zheng's back garden, but in fact, Ying Zheng wanted to build a super urban agglomeration from Shanglin Garden.

Here, not only are there beautiful mountains and rivers, there are vertical and horizontal streets, there are many high-rise buildings, and there are also ancient towns in the south of the Yangtze River.

In short, a Shanglin Garden contains everything in this world.

And here, as long as it will accommodate 1000 million people.

Ying Zheng is to move half of the people in the world under his nose.

第227章 三百座筒子楼,奢华?(6/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

Ying Zheng is to move half of the people in the world under his nose.

In this way, it is more convenient to rule the empire.

Even if there is chaos in the place, the empire is based on these tens of millions of people and sweeps the world, it is not a problem.

Ying Zheng also wanted to make all the people in this world follow their own will.

"And these houses, under the construction of [-] people, as long as there are enough materials, I am afraid that they can be completed in less than a month."

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