"But the factories of the empire are the real top priority!"

The reason why Ying Zheng gathered all the craftsmen in the world was to prepare for the factory.

These factories not only have arsenals that produce weapons, but also produce clothing, food, porcelain, silk and other civilian materials.

This huge empire has only [-] million people, that is, everyone is responsible for the state, and the state can be responsible.

Ying Zheng is to use this great empire to supply the people with everything they need.

Only when all resources are highly integrated, can greater value be created.

These plans were all written down on paper by Ying Zheng.

After getting these things done on the road, it took five days for them to finally arrive in Xianyang City from Jicheng.

In the city of Xianyang, the news of Ying Zheng's return had long been known, and the people of Xianyang were even more excited to kneel on both sides of the road to welcome their king's return.

Lv Buwei led the group of officials, and even went out to welcome Xianyang City ten miles away, and the road for ten miles was full of people.

They were excited because they knew that their lives had long been bound to the empire, and everything had to obey Ying Zheng's will.

"."Welcome to the king's return to the dynasty!"

"Welcome the return of the king!"

"Welcome the return of the king!"

The people willingly knelt on the ground because they asked them clearly that it was Ying Zheng who brought them glory.

If Ying Zheng did not go to war, the war would not know how long it would last, and in the end, it was the people who suffered.

Many people understand this truth, so they respect Ying Zheng from the bottom of their hearts.

"In the past, when there was a war, everyone was happy and worried about the title."

"And now, once a war is fought, the whole country celebrates."

"All the people are discussing that this time the king went on an expedition and destroyed that country again."

Some officials stood on both sides, discussing in a low voice.

The entire Daqin originally had some resistance to war, but now, it has been completely reduced to an invincible war machine.

People are looking forward to war even more, because only then can they live a better life!

This kind of team to welcome Ying Zheng lasted for a full thirty miles, and finally stopped completely in front of Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Zheng returned to the dynasty, and hundreds of officials came to welcome him, so he naturally needed to ascend to the dynasty.

When Baiguan heard that Ying Zheng was building a super city with millions of people, everyone was stunned.

"This city is not for nobles, nor for scholar-bureaucrats, but for craftsmen who are even more humble than farmers."

"We disagree!"

"Artisans are humble people, how can they live in such a luxurious place."

When Ying Zheng heard the discussions of these ministers, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Tongzilou is considered a luxury in the eyes of these people.

These people have not seen true luxury!

ps, a chapter written on the train, and then go to write the next chapter. .

Body Chapter 228 Reform, create a cabinet (7/8)

The building like Tongzilou is completely made of bricks, and Ying Zheng intends to replace it with Sanhe soil in some necessary places.

The Sanhe soil is a mixture of loess, lime and sand.

Of course, condiments such as egg whites can be added to the walls, but the cost will be too high after all.

A good three-in-one clay is stronger than the cement of later generations.

"An ancient yard in the Ming Dynasty lasted until the Republic of China."

"At that time, the artillery bombed that wall, leaving only a shell crater, which could not be completely shattered."

"Later, I was going to blow it up with explosives, but after the explosion, the wall was still intact."

"Although it is very complicated to make cement in this era, it is much more convenient to use this three-component soil."

Ying Zheng also had preparations in his heart.

As for the luxury that these ministers speak of.


You've never seen a bastard in the world!

Just a bungalow.

However, in this era, it is indeed beyond the imagination of everyone in this era. With such a complicated construction process, coupled with the height of a four-story building, these ministers have never seen it!

When the drawings were taken out, they felt it was too extravagant.

It was just that Ying Zheng slapped the 987 table, and no one dared to say anything more.

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