"Your Majesty wants to build such a nice residence for the craftsmen, just do it!"

"We all support it."

For a time, these officials bowed down.

Although Ying Zheng could tell them that Tongzilou was not very good at all, as the king of Qin, he didn't need to explain at all.

The people below, only need to obey unconditionally.

"The state of Chu will delay the attack first, and all craftsmen in the country will give priority to the construction of the Zhengguo Canal."

"Within a month, the widow will see the completion of Zheng Guo Canal!"

"At the same time, within a month, the widow wants to complete the construction of that city!"

"The domestic road, continue to build."

Ying Zheng has made a decision, and these ministers can only implement it.

On the other hand, Lu Buwei has been complaining that there are too many things, the country is too big, should it be time for the king to deal with the affairs of the state.

And Ying Zheng thought that Qin Shi Huang looked at several carts of bamboo slips a day, and even when he was out on tour, he would have to spend several carts to pull the memorial, and Ying Zheng felt that this kind of life was simply too hard.

How did the first emperor of that year die? He was definitely tired!

Now Ying Zheng is on the road.

"The widow is still young and doesn't know how to handle these government affairs, but only knows how to fight wars. All these government affairs are owned by the Lord of the Prime Minister of Laos."

When Lu Buwei heard this, it was miserable.

In the past, others thought that the greater the power, the better, but when they came to Qin, how did they start to shirk each other?

Especially Ying Zheng, because of his young age, pushed all the trivial matters of the court to Lu Buwei, and Lu Buwei had nothing to do.

Because Ying Zheng's age is really young!

Let's take a look at Ying Zheng's achievements...

Looking at the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there are no one hundred and eighty kings, and the one who is as strong as Ying Zheng?

Such a king will not handle the affairs of the state?

Are you kidding me?

Lu Buwei also began to feel shameless at this time.

"Your Majesty, even if you are not in charge of the government, you should have proper contact with government affairs..."

第228章 变法,创建内阁(7/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

"Your Majesty, even if you are not in charge of the government, you should have proper contact with government affairs..."

Ying Zheng also didn't think that Lu Buwei wanted to shirk government affairs in such a way, but judging from the reports of the shadow guards, Ying Zheng couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that there were too many government affairs, and Lu Buwei was exhausted.

Lu Buwei couldn't hand over government affairs to others, so the only choice was Ying Zheng.

But Ying Zheng didn't want to manage these government affairs at all.

"Xiangguo's worries are known to the few people."

"The ancient feudal feudal lords, with feudal lords governing the world, only need to pay tribute to the emperor every year, local self-governance."

"Although this is easy to manage, it also creates a situation where the princes dominate, and even overwhelms the emperor."

"The Qin State's system of three princes and nine ministers can be said to be a more advanced system, making Qin more powerful."

"However, as the area of ​​the Qin State becomes larger and larger, and the management matters become more and more complicated, this system can no longer keep up with the pace of the empire."

"Since that's the case, what do you think of Xiangguo when the widow is going to reform?"

When Lu Buwei heard this, his eyes lit up.

"How does the king plan to change?"

"Abolish the system of three publics and nine ministers, and use the internal system instead!"

"Cabinet system?"

"Yes, the cabinet is formed by the old ministers of the empire, and the government affairs are discussed collectively, and the final decision is made by the widow."

"In this way, the position of Xiangguo will be replaced by many people, and it will naturally be a lot easier for Xiangguo."

Hearing this, Lu Buwei breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is a good proposal, but in this way, the people below may be confused."

Ying Zheng shook his head.

"Since the top has changed, the bottom will naturally also change."

"The Prime Minister's government affairs, below, are divided into six departments, which are divided into six departments: the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of War."

"In this way, the responsibilities of the empire are divided, and it is more convenient to handle things."

Hearing this, Lu Buwei slapped his thigh sharply.

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