"Your Majesty is so right, just do it!"

Lu Buwei vigorously went to execute it.

When Ying Zheng saw this behind the scenes, a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The cabinet system obviously greatly weakened the power of the courtiers, but Lu Buwei didn't care at all, and even deliberately added fuel to the flames.

Of course, this was also because Lu Buwei was really too busy to implement this system.

"Although according to the process of history, the system of three public servants and nine ministers will lead to the system of three provinces and six ministries, but there is no doubt that the cabinet system is more advanced."

"And the most important thing is that since there are more cabinets, there is no need to manage government affairs in the future."

Ying Zheng couldn't help but think of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty.

It is precisely because of the cabinet system that the elders of the cabinet help manage the affairs of the country, and the emperor becomes very leisurely.

Therefore, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty all seemed to be 'not doing their job properly', some liked fighting, some liked alchemy, and some liked being a carpenter.

Even after [-] years of ignoring the government, Daming became even richer.

The only emperor Chongzhen who wanted to manage the government, instead let the country collapse and go to ruin.

At the same time, the cabinet system is still very popular not only at home, but also abroad.

This is an extremely advanced system, and now Ying Zheng has completely taken over the empire.

And once the reform of this system is completed, after occupying the state of Chu, the state of Chu can be completely swallowed up. .

Chapter 229 The aggressiveness of the Chinese people is imprinted in their bones (8/8)

The cabinet system is simply too advanced for the empire.

Perhaps using the system of three provinces and six ministries, these people will feel that their power has been reduced.

However, if the cabinet system is used, then because of the advanced level, it will make the officials of the empire feel that their status has improved.

"The most important thing is that there are too many jobs created when the Cabinet is used."

"Sometimes a person has to hold many positions, which will make those people feel that their identity is extremely noble."

"However, to the surprise of the widow, Lu Buwei clearly knew that his power was weakened, and he was still rushing to it.-"

"On the surface, it's because there are too many government affairs and I can't be too busy."

"But in fact, it's because he's afraid of widowers!"

"The empire unified the seven countries, and the area produced is even wider than that of the Zhou Dynasty."

"After all, over the years, the princes of Zhou have always wanted to expand around!"

"In fact, the aggressiveness of the Chinese nation is imprinted in its bones."

"From the beginning of the construction of the city, the cities of the Chinese people have been connected into a line, and these lines are the land of China!"

"This expansion has been from the Yellow River Basin to the Yangtze River Basin."

"After the Zhou Dynasty was divided into seals, his princes were expanding!"

"Originally, the princes only dared to hold the emperor to order the princes."

"But when they found that their land was bigger, they even caught up with Da Zhou."

"They have the guts to call themselves kings!"

"Then everyone followed suit. There are so many kings in the world."

"Everyone was at war with each other. It lasted for hundreds of years during the Warring States Period, and the people and the people were not living well."

"Only widows can completely end this chaos."

"This is God's mission to the widow."

Standing in Zhangtai Palace, Ying Zheng looked at the palaces of Wei Kingdom and Yan Kingdom built on the west side of Zhangtai Palace, and his eyes were domineering.

Being the king of Qin this year has made him even more kingly.

Every move seems to be enough to stir the wind and rain.

"Invasion is branded in the bones of the Chinese nation."

"What the widow wants is not just these seven countries!"

"And the northern Huns!"

"And Baiyue in the south!"

"And the Rome of the West!"

"And the other side of the ocean in the East!"

"The widow wants to make the whole world submit to the widow's feet!"

"The rule of the seven kingdoms is the end, and it will be a new beginning."

"Only by gathering the Chinese nation together can the Chinese nation truly become the most superior nation in the world!"

"As for fairness and freedom, that's not necessary!"

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