"This is a widow's empire."

"All the nations are destined to submit to the feet of the widow."

"Everyone in the world speaks the words of Xia, obeys the laws of Daqin, and calls the widow their king!"

Ying Zheng stood here, with a thick flame rising in his heart.

The reform of the cabinet system was even smoother than Ying Zheng had imagined.

Perhaps it was because the officials of the empire had become dependent on Ying Zheng.

Because Ying Zheng created too many miracles.

Because Ying Zheng gave them too much expectation.

Therefore, this reform took only three days, and the departments in Xianyang City have all changed their names, clarifying the responsibilities of each person.

And at this moment, they discovered that the originally chaotic governance had gradually become incomparably clear at this moment.

In the original case, four or five officials may be responsible for the matter.

第229章 华夏子民的侵略性,是烙印在骨子里的(8/8)-->>(第1/2页),请点击下一页继续阅读。

In the original case, four or five officials may be responsible for the matter.

But after the new system came down, everyone's responsibilities became clearer, and the things they were responsible for became more emotional.

And capable people have several positions on their backs, which makes others extremely jealous.

This kind of person with multiple positions on his shoulders, everyone knows that the future is destined to flourish.

"Everyone, hurry up and show your abilities!"

"As long as you have the ability, the king will give you a stage to show yourself!"

"This is the best time in the world!"

"You can show yourselves as much as you like, and you can't help but be afraid of your boss's suspicion, because they don't have that time."

"They will only use you to show your talents, express yourself to the fullest, and win higher positions!"

"Don't be afraid to not have a higher position for you to do it."

"The empire has a lot of land, Han land, Zhao land, Wei land, Yan land."

"The future state of Chu is destined to become the Chu land of the empire, and the state of Qi will also become the land of the empire."

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"The empire is like a furnace, you and I are like ore, thrown into the furnace, under the raging fire, you and I are both peerless swords, cutting thorns for the empire! Cover the sun and the moon!"

"Even if the empire loses its land one day, we will believe in the king!"

"Because the king will lead us to the horizon..."

"We are fortunate to have such a good king."

Some old officials are educating the younger officials at this moment.

The little official was a student who had just graduated. Hearing all this, he couldn't help but admire Ying Zheng even more.

"Your Majesty is really amazing."

When the old official heard this, his heart was even more proud.

"That is, I have experienced four generations of kings."

"I just feel that the king is high, and I don't have any feelings."

. . .

"Until the appearance of the new king, although it was only a year, I felt that the new king was like the sun shining on the earth."

"Although the law is still strict, only the new king can make us feel that under this strict law, our life can be better!"

"It's not just about being an honorable person."

"It's ordinary people who can live more easily."

"I was originally numb to the world, but at this moment, I want to live longer."

"I think the king will allow us ordinary people to eat meat every day and get tired of it!"

"Your Majesty will, definitely will."

The little official listened to the old official's words, and he could see the incomparably hot light in the old official's eyes.

At this moment, he could not help but swear in his heart.

In this life, he is destined to abide by the laws of Qin and serve the king until his death!

No one can stop the rise of the Great Qin Empire.

No one can threaten the King's progress.

If so, step over their corpses!

"In this life, I was born as a Qin person, and I will be a citizen of Great Qin for the rest of my life!"

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