Chapter 230 Empire-style room division! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"What does that mean? What's our business?"

They don't look at the door.

They wanted to ask the official, but dared not.

This situation continued for a full row.

In this building, there are twelve households on each floor, with the numbers '201' and '202' written on them...

They don't understand those numbers at all.

Then, finally a craftsman asked what it was doing.

The official was very impatient. He was in charge of dividing the houses here, and he was so busy recently that he was dying.

The most irritating thing is that in every building, someone will come to ask him.

"This is the home the king has given you."

The official's tone was quite poor, and even more children were scared to cry.

But the officials didn't care about them at all.

This city has to accommodate one million people, and they still have to be busy.

The craftsmen walked carefully into the house, but found that the inside of the house was pure white.

And the most important thing is that the original windows are not wooden windows, but transparent things. From the inside of the house, you can see the window at a glance...  

Many craftsmen trembled at this time.

" this really our home?"

They couldn't help shaking.

In their eyes, such a bright house is like a palace.

"Is this really the palace that the king built for us?"

"How can we live in such a nice house?"

They couldn't help thinking of their houses, most of which were thatched houses with only two ventilation openings. There were straws in the houses. When they slept, they slept directly on the straws.

Some people make straw mats.

On the contrary, the old Qin people were better, and all of them were repaired by Ying Zheng.

On the other hand, looking at the panic-stricken Zhao people, the old Qin people raised their heads proudly.

"Bumper, this is the palace that the king built for us."

"I heard from my neighbors that the king directly built [-] buildings. This city has put down millions of craftsmen and families."

The original Zhao people, Han people, and Wei people heard this, and their hearts were full of shock.

"Does everyone have it?"

"I don't know what happened to the king. He didn't build this kind of house for Xungui, nor for the farmer, but for us."

"It is said that we are going to work for the king in the young mansion, and the king can solve all problems for us."

"Whether it is food or use, the Shaofu will provide it."


"But it is said that the king has re-established the hierarchy of craftsmen."

"As long as you work hard, you can not only improve your grade, but also improve your salary."

"The house we live in is barely enough for three or four people, but it is said that if you become a civil servant based on merit and working age, the house will be half bigger than here!"

"If it becomes a superior building, the house will be doubled in size!"

"And now the most powerful craftsman in Xianyang City, is it possible that the Duke has lost his revenge. Guess how many titles he already has?"

"Level [-]! Public bus!"

"It is our honor that we can become the artisans of the empire, the children of the king."

For a time, many craftsmen who migrated over, a family of three hugged each other and cried.

Those were tears of excitement. .

Chapter 231 Small copper cannon, the 'autumn wind sweeps the leaves' that the king wants!

The city of craftsmen is welcoming their masters.

Each room, in the eyes of later generations, is only fifty square meters.

It's just that in the eyes of the craftsmen, this is already a huge house.

Especially the white walls and glass make them feel like they live in a palace.

"I finally know why it is said that tyranny is a good thing, but these officials have such a stinky face."

"No one will thank these officials, only the king."

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