"Yes, these are all given to us by the king."

It's just that they don't know how long this new city will be divided if it doesn't use this method.

Here, a large number of officials have gathered.

Ying Zheng, on the other hand, looked at everything in this city.

"This city is called the Craftsman City, and the most central park will also be built."

"On both sides of the main road, trees will be transplanted."

"In short, everything here, 19 must be built according to the Garden City!"

"On the periphery of the city, build factories again!"

"These factories must provide sufficient productivity for the empire."

"Hydraulic machines must also be installed so that we can continue to increase production."

Ying Zheng quickly planned all this.

The affairs of this million people are all handled by the officials.

The efficiency of the empire, in addition to not having some technology to assist it, is actually higher than that of later generations.

After all, under the strictness of the law, officials took the lead in doing these things, unlike officials in later generations who did not act.

It is precisely because of this that these craftsmen can be used for better calls.

At the same time, these craftsmen have also made a distinction.

Each area is divided according to the type of work.

For example, one area for blacksmiths, one area for carpenters, another area for painters, and another area for claysmiths.

"The materials produced by this craftsman city must be enough to support the entire empire!"

Ying Zheng knocked heavily on the table and said to Zhang Hand very seriously.

Today, Zhang Han is completely responsible for this city!

At this time, Zhang Han was too excited.

A big city with millions of people, there is no one in the past, and no one in the future!

Today, he is the person in charge of this million-strong city.

His main purpose is to arrange for these craftsmen to produce and contribute enough to bring everything.

"Today, the weapons of the empire have been piled up in several warehouses, and there is no need to produce them at all."

"Mining of ore is easier with more advanced tools."

"Nowadays, although there is a huge demand for the production of curved ploughs and farm tools, it is not difficult to build so many people in Shaofu."

"In the production of glass, after the king gave us the formula, we were able to mass-produce it. I didn't expect that it would be so simple to produce such a precious thing with almost no cost."

"The mining of coal mines is also going on. After all, the operation of those factories requires a lot of coal mines."

"It's the king who asked Craftsman City to popularize heating."

"The machine tool for making heating pipes is being debugged, and it will take some time to actually use it."

"But as long as you catch up and follow it before it snows, that's enough."

"But the gunpowder that the king asked us to develop has already made new progress."

"The gunpowder we studied this time already has stronger power, and according to what the king said, two bronze cannons were cast."

"It's really like what the king said, the power of this artillery is much better than the trebuchet."

Chapter 231 Small copper cannon, the 'autumn wind sweeps the leaves' that the king wants! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"It's really like what the king said, the power of this artillery is much better than the trebuchet."

"But using bronze to cast guns is too expensive to be popularized at all."

When Ying Zheng heard Zhang Han's report, he couldn't help but be very satisfied.

"Gunpowder is the top priority."

"The enemy has obtained our catapult and can continue to use it."

"But if you get our artillery, you don't understand the principle at all."

"Even if the guns can be fired, once the gunpowder is gone, the guns they get will be useless."

"Follow the widow, go see these cannons!"

Soon, Ying Zheng came to Shaofu's workshop and saw the two small bronze cannons.

"In this era, it is still impossible to cast cast iron guns, entirely because of the limited technical level."

"The cost of cast iron cannons is undoubtedly lower, but if there is no breakthrough in technology, then we can only use copper cannons that are extremely expensive!"

"It's more luxury than expensive."

"Even in the early Ming Dynasty, productivity has been greatly improved, but it still hurts to cast a bronze cannon."

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