"What's more, the current productivity is still weak."

Ying Zheng thought of this, but let the craftsmen try to fire a few shells.

The shells in this small copper cannon are all iron bullets, all of which are solid.

Putting it on the wall, it's even more like a hole.

"This kind of bombardment of the city gate will shatter in one shot."

When some craftsmen said this, they were even more excited.

They feel that they can already get Ying Zheng's reward.

Only Ying Zheng's brows furrowed slightly.

"This kind of artillery, although it counts as an artillery, has not yet reached the level of a powerful artillery that is enough to change the situation."

"The cast iron gun must be mass-produced!"

"Maybe you won't produce burst shells, but it's not difficult to produce cast iron guns at all."

"Anyway, widows should see some basic results before the autumn harvest."

"Cast-iron guns and explosive bombs must be researched."

"The performance of gunpowder has also become stronger, and the Taoist swindlers who are alchemy have been arrested. In any case, let this gun appear on the battlefield of attacking Chu."

"In this way, I, the Qin army, can reduce casualties as much as possible, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, and completely destroy the state of Chu."

Ying Zheng gave Zhang Han a death order.

Zhang Han felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

"The appearance of the iron and steel crossbow has made the empire's army stronger."

"Today, the [-] imperial army can stand in a stalemate with the [-] Chu army. This is the credit of advanced weapons."

"But the king actually wants to produce a weapon similar to God's punishment. Can we really do this?"

"It doesn't matter, the craftsmen of the six countries are already here."

"As for the Taoist priests, just send troops to catch them."

Zhang Han's eyes were crazy, he had already found the Da Qin army.

With Zhang Han's reputation in the army, he soon issued an order to arrest the Taoists!

For a time, the Taoists among the hundreds of schools of thought could no longer achieve tranquility and inaction.

ps, I lost sleep last night, and my head hurts when I want to write. The update of this chapter is a little late, and my head is already sleepy.

Keep writing. .

Chapter 232: The Hermit in Zhongnan Mountain and the Glazed Bowl

Taoists are the most quiet and inaction.

They inherited from the Yellow Emperor Lao Tzu, and the knowledge formed is also the most mainstream knowledge in the world.

Huang Lao Xue.

In fact, a hundred schools of thought in this era are being inclusive, you have me, and I have you.

However, under the environment of this empire, even Taoists can no longer cultivate their self-cultivation.

Zhongnan Mountain is also the holy place of Taoism.

Many hermits who wanted to escape the strife had all fled to Zhongnan Mountain.

But at this time, the hermits of Zhongnan Mountain encountered the army of the Empire.

"By the order of the king, all Taoist people in the world go to the Shaofu to develop gunpowder for the king."

These soldiers brutally destroyed the houses of the hermits and captured them all from Zhongnan Mountain.

In reality, these soldiers were not Imperial soldiers at all.

The soldiers of the empire were all stationed on the front line. After all, it was about to start a war with the Chu State, and that was the most important place.

These soldiers, who were nothing more than imperial craftsmen, were armed with imperial armaments.

After all, Zhang Han had the largest arsenal of weapons in the empire, and it was naturally very easy to prepare some laborers to go to Zhongnan Mountain to catch hermits and Taoist disciples who made alchemy.

"Although Taoism is very strong, the biggest problem is that Taoist children are too scattered!"

"Although the most powerful are the Taoist Tianzong and Renzong, but more Taoist people are scattered in all corners of the world, living the life of a hermit."

"They admire Lao Tzu's quietness and inaction."

"It is also this kind of thinking that makes them hide in the deep mountains and old forests, eager to achieve the effect of immortality through alchemy cultivation."

"It's a pity that in the empire, being quiet and doing nothing is useless."

"The empire is all about making the best use of everything!"

"If this artillery is popularized, I don't know how many people will die in the war with Chu."

"After all, this promising state of Chu will be the biggest obstacle to the empire's advancement."

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