"Gunpowder, artillery, blaster!"

"Even if the young mansion is dead, it must be made before the autumn harvest!"

"In this way, the equipment of the empire will become more advanced."

Zhang Han stood by the Weishui River, clenching his fists tightly in his heart.

Now that he has so many craftsmen in his hands, he has become the most powerful force in the empire by virtue of the humblest craftsman.

Because whether it is a curved plough, or that kind of glass, or paper, there will always be nobles who come to the door, eager to buy at a high price.

He is invincible.

"These items, in addition to production, can also be used for sale."

"These can be purchased in every city in the empire."

"And the king wants to build an imperial shopping mall, where all the things that the people need most are sold by the Shaofu."

"In the Craftsman City, the imperial shopping mall has already been planned."

"In it, whether it is food, clothing, use, or even things that are in short supply in the empire, you can buy it."

"You can even buy iron swords."

The empire does not control weapons, and iron swords can be purchased by everyone for self-defense.

After all, the territory of the empire is too large, and there are also many ferocious beasts. Even if the iron sword is not used to prevent people, it can prevent these beasts.

It's just that in comparison, the quality of this iron sword is somewhat different from that of the military.

Chapter 232 The Hermit in Zhongnan Mountain and the Glazed Bowl-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

It's just that in comparison, the quality of this iron sword is somewhat different from that of the military.

Moreover, the price is not low, and it is not affordable for ordinary people.

Compared with Tiejian, more people like to save money to buy a curved plough. After all, with this thing, farming can be done with half the effort in the future.

"The empire is really progressing at a rapid rate every day!"

"On the Craftsman City, relying on these craftsmen, I don't know how many huge factories and how many small workshops."

"These are all craftsmen who migrated from the empire, presiding over them."

"Although some people don't have a place to live, even if five or six people are crowded into one room, they are willing to stay in this super city with more than one million people."

"It's a pity that the king does not intend to set up a city wall for this city."

"But yes, no one can reach the hinterland of the empire."

"Besides, even if we get in, our body will be the strongest city wall in the empire!"

Zhang Han thought to himself, and came to a workshop at the same time.

Here, is the place where the empire used to house the potters of Yan State.

These potters have been raised for two months, and they have consumed a lot of food, but they still haven't made the porcelain that the king needs.

"However, a few days ago, they caught a few hermits from Zhongnan Mountain. They found this kind of ceramics. Now it is said that there are finished products here."

Zhang Han walked into the courtyard and saw the Yandi pottery craftsmen holding a glazed bowl with excitement and handing it to him like a treasure.

Zhang Han was completely shocked in his heart.

This glazed bowl is cyan as a whole and looks very beautiful. Zhang Han even carefully led the craftsman into the palace.

Only Ying Zheng felt a little angry after seeing this glazed bowl.

"." What the widow wants is ceramics, not this kind of glaze!"

"Although the glazed bowl is beautiful, it is still heavy and not suitable for common people!"

"Continue to develop!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand and drove Zhang Han away.

Zhang Han was stunned for a while, but he finally sighed.

"Will the king make something like a jade bowl and give it to all the people?"

"Does that kind of thing really exist?"

Just a pottery craftsman following behind?But he said, "No, porcelain is even more beautiful than jade!"

"Do you know what porcelain looks like?"

"The kind of thing the king said is exactly what we want to do."

"Trust us, give us another two months, this kind of ceramics will definitely be developed!"

The potter clenched his fists.

Zhang Han said: "Some of those glazed bowls are also produced. I always think this thing is useful. Even if you sell it, you can get a lot of money."

"After all, there is really not much food in the current empire."

Zhang Han was full of emotion.

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