Ying Zheng had already made a decision in his heart.

At the same time, with regard to raising food, with the utensils produced by Shaofuzhong, he can also exchange a large amount of food in Qi.

After all, Qi has been recuperating and recuperating for so many years, and the food has long been exhausted. If you sell it, you can get the most precious things in Qin.

In particular, the glazed bowls sold very well in Qi.

Today's state of Qi feels that Qin Chu's war has made them the biggest winners.

(bjcb) As long as anyone is in need, they will seek help from Qi, and finally let Qi make a big deal.

It's just that no one knew that the glazes and glass paper that Qin Guo exchanged with them were worthless at all.

The material of the glaze is clay.

The material of the glass is sand.

The material of paper is grass.

These materials can be seen everywhere, but the Shaofu will not talk about this matter, and it will become an incomparably noble treasure when placed in Qi.

In fact, these things are enough to be popularized among the Qin people.

Even the craftsmen in the artisan city can get a set of this kind of thing.

After all, it can make their lives more exciting.

It's just about these, the people of Qi still don't know, they are still silent in the joy of making war money.

"It would be great if Qin and Chu continued to fight. In the end, it would be us who would benefit."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Qi's idea.

Qin Qichu are the three most powerful countries in this era.

Two dogs fight, play off.

Qi Guo just wanted to wait for the two countries to lose both in the fight, and then gain more benefits from this.

However, they probably underestimated the strength of Ying Zheng and the determination of the empire.

With the large amount of food in Qi, so many people in the empire were able to solve the problem of food and clothing.

It's just that everyone can't eat too much food.

But fortunately, these people, everyone did not complain too much.

"We still have grain in our hands, and we will persist until the autumn harvest. There is no problem at all."

"Do you want to donate our food to the king!"

"Yes, although these grains are a little less, but the king sent us so many useful things, donating them to grains, what's the point."



For a time, people all over the empire organized to make food donations.

These grains are not problems that can be completely solved with money.

And now, out of gratitude to Ying Zheng, the people of the empire tightened their waistbands and prepared to go to the national disaster together!

This could not help but make Ying Zheng's heart full of more moving.

"It seems that the widowed people are still grateful."

"If the empire can go on forever, how can it die out?"

Ying Zheng was moved.

How could such a great Qin country not become stronger?

And all of this is naturally the prestige that Ying Zheng has accumulated in the empire this year.

Because all the people know that Ying Zheng will lead them to a better life! .

Text Chapter 234 Engineering package, the wisdom of the empire!

Jiujiu Lao Qin, who went to the national disaster together, did not bleed, and fought to the death.

The Western Qin Dynasty is rising like the sun.

The people are still like this, the empire is destined to stretch to a longer period of time.

The whole country is united to fight against the country's food disaster.

"As long as these two months have passed, the empire will usher in a new harvest."

"And tens of millions of people are still building an empire, and the Zhengguo Canal has basically been completed."

"The completion of the super project Zheng Guoqu also adds an engineering gift package."

Ying Zheng looked at the gift bag stored in the system, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The items from these gift packs are very useful, and they don't need prestige exchange. This is Ying Zheng's favorite gift pack.

"Turn on."

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