[Ding, the host successfully opened the engineering package, congratulations on getting the military cement formula x1, the Lingqu construction blueprint x1, and the Grand Canal construction blueprint x1. 】

Ying Zheng looked at the three blueprints, and his heart felt quite shaken.

"Cement formula, I didn't expect to get the cement formula so quickly."

"And this cement is military cement!"

"Military cement is the strongest, can withstand the attack of artillery shells, and exists for hundreds of years without much change in construction."

"However, after [-] to [-] years of civil cement use, there have been quality problems, cracking, etc., and there will be great safety hazards."

"And cement is extremely easy to produce, which will greatly improve construction efficiency."

"Cement roads can be used for the main roads of Craftsman City, which will greatly reduce the construction time."

"And in the artisan city, there are not only green parks, but also pipelines to deliver water, as well as drainage channels hidden underground."

"These culverts are all made of sturdy pottery pipes. This kind of underground drainage system has been used in Xianyang, Daliang, and Handan. It is nothing new."

"With cement, it's easier to build roads."

"It's just the production of rebar in cement, and there's not much output today."

When Ying Zheng thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

The production of these steel bars is not because of insufficient people, but because of insufficient iron ore mining.

As for the demand, the total population of the empire is only [-] million, and the demand is not too big at all.

Just to build reinforced concrete, you need more steel bars, which is too much to build and can only meet part of the demand.

It seems that the Empire still needs more people to mine.

"This cement is indeed more helpful to the construction of the empire."

"And the next two water conservancy projects will be of great help to the development of the empire."

"In the old Qin Dynasty, there were three major water conservancy projects, Zhengguo Canal, Dujiangyan, and the last Ling Canal."

"The first two projects are for irrigation."

"And the role of the Lingqu is transportation!"

"It's a pity that the location of Ling Canal is the one in Guilin, Guangxi. It is not part of the empire's territory now, and it is temporarily out of reach and cannot be built."

"But this drawing can be kept."

"As for the Grand Canal...also known as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, also known as the Sui Dynasty Grand Canal."

"The emperor of the Sui Dynasty killed the country in order to dig the Grand Canal!"

"But there is no doubt that this canal plays an extremely important role in the country's economy!"

"Unfortunately, part of that route belongs to Qi State, and the other part belongs to Chu State."

"It seems that the system is to let the widows take down the other two countries as soon as possible!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"But these two blueprints will be used sooner or later!"

Ying Zheng strengthened his ambition to manufacture these two super projects.

Chapter 234 Engineering package, the wisdom of the empire! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Ying Zheng strengthened his ambition to manufacture these two super projects.

However, he is also very clear that the current empire has not yet reached that level.

The most unexpected thing for Ying Zheng was that Zhang Han, Zhang Cang, Li Si, Gong Shuqiu, Xiangli Qin, and plumber Zheng Guo actually asked to see him at this time.

"So many people come to Zhao Ziren, is there something wrong?"

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking in his heart.


Following the high-pitched voice of the guard, all these people walked in and knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, the ministers are here because of the water system in Shanglin Garden."

Zhang Han was the first to speak.

"The factories and workshops of the empire are all built in Shanglin Garden."

"And the machine tool in the factory can greatly reduce the manpower after application, but it needs to use water."

"We just thought if we could dig more canals and use them to set up waterwheels to generate power."

"These, Mr. Zheng Guo has drawn drawings, which can ensure that water flows in those rivers, so that factories can be built in every place where they flow, which greatly reduces manpower consumption."

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"In this way, the manpower saved can be used to do more things for the king."

When Ying Zheng heard Zhang Han's words, the blueprint had already been placed on his desk.

He couldn't help but look down and found this blueprint, which was ingenious.

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