"But in addition to this bronze cannon, there are also explosive packs of gunpowder."

"It's just that the power of this explosion is far worse than that of later generations, but looking at this era, it's enough."

"Unfortunately, if you want to improve the gunpowder formula again, you still need the efforts of those craftsmen."

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking.

At the same time, he has summoned Wang Jian.

"This operation is for the coordinated operation of water and land."

"Chu has a lot of water, and the main cities are close to water sources."

"In this way, you can use those waterways to directly reach the outside of the city of Chu."

"In addition to this, it is also necessary to completely block the navy of Chu State so that they will not reach the rear of our army and cause chaos."

Ying Zheng quickly made a plan.

After all, the territory of Chu State is too large.

Chapter 238 The State of Chu regards itself as a barbarian-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After all, the territory of Chu State is too large.

With such a large territory, it is too difficult to fight with these [-] people.

Moreover, the most important thing is that these wars are likely to become offensive and defensive wars.

Because the Chu people are very likely to stick to the city and not be able to escape.

At this time, in Chu, with Xiang Yan as the general, a battle plan was being formulated.

"The Qin army is brave. Now that the grain is about to be harvested, we are very afraid of the Qin army's attack."

"If these grains are obtained by the Qin army, the situation of the Qin army's lack of grain will most likely be improved."

"And our army's lack of food will also be exposed when we withdraw."

Xiang Yan said this.

When a general heard this, he became even more annoyed.

"Damn, the Qin army is already running out of food, and the King of Qin still wants to fight!"

Xiang Yan said: "I have already studied King Qin's idea, and he has always wanted to use warfare to support warfare."

"He captured the populations of the other four countries to build Qin's super project at home for him."

"It's bound to cause complaints from the public."

"If we can let the Qin country face a downfall in the Chu country, then the empire that the king of Qin held together with power will collapse in an instant."

"At that time, it will also be an opportunity for our country of Chu to retake Nanjun and be shamed."

"Even, we can expand the land to a farther distance!"

"Chu State, why can't it become Qin State?"

Xiang Yan looked at these subordinates and told the ambitions of Da Chu.

Qin and Chu are both powerful countries with similar strengths. In some respects, Chu State is much stronger than Qin State.

But today's Qin State has continuously destroyed the Central Plains, and even occupied a large area of ​​Yan State, which makes Chu State a little unhappy.

As a big country, who doesn't want to make their own territory bigger?

Xiang Yan's words made those generals extremely excited.

If they can lay down large tracts of land, those lands will become their fiefs!

After all, the culture of Chu State is very different from that of Qin State.

The Qin state is based on the law, and all the people rely on the law to build it.

The state of Chu, on the other hand, is dominated by the family.

Under the king, there are big families one after another, holding a large amount of land and guarding the safety of the king.

This can be clearly seen from the arms of the Chu State.

The state of Chu is divided into local soldiers, private soldiers in the hands of nobles, private soldiers in the hands of the royal family, and genuine troops loyal to the state of Chu.

This composition is rigorous and complex.

This also formed a powerful Jing-Chu culture, which gave the state of Chu a great fighting power.

In terms of bravery, the soldiers of the state of Chu are no weaker than those of the state of Qin.

In terms of land, Chu State is only slightly smaller than Qin State.

In terms of cultural identity, although the state of Chu is closer to the Zhou Dynasty in terms of culture, it has always regarded itself as a barbarian!

As a result, in the hearts of Chu people, they think that they and the Central Plains have always been separated.

They also recognize their own country more!

Ying Zheng, why didn't he know the stubbornness of the Chu people. .

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