Chapter 239 Attacking Chu, Chu people who are good at learning

The state of Chu has always regarded itself as a barbarian and learned from Xia Shiyi, forming an extremely diverse culture.

Only this diverse culture will eventually form such a big country.

And this diverse culture has liberated Chu's creativity to a great extent.

This kind of creativity has made Chu's cultural economy very developed, and even its military is extremely powerful.

"At the beginning of the year, the widows burned a large amount of food in the Chu State, but now they can recover quickly, which is enough to know the strength of the Chu State, ~ how powerful it is."

"Let's talk about the history of the state of Chu. At the very beginning, the state of Chu fought with Da-zhou!"

"It was the King of Chu who called himself a barbarian, fought with the Great Zhou Dynasty many times, and finally succeeded in weakening the power of Zhou, so that Jin could take advantage and dominate the Central Plains."

"The [-]-year history of the state of Chu has always told the strength of the state of Chu."

"Only in the past two hundred years, as the Qin State has become stronger, the Chu State has failed, but even so, the Chu State is still strong."

Ying Zheng looked in the direction of the state of Chu, and his heart was full of emotion.

"And the most important thing is the news from the Shadow Guard."

"Chu people are good at learning. In just one year, not only [-] people have been replaced with iron swords, but even the black armored iron cavalry has been imitated."

"The people of Chu actually have [-] iron cavalrymen, known as the heavy cavalry of the state of Chu, and their purpose is to compete with the black armored iron cavalry of the empire."

"At the same time, a large number of catapults are also equipped on the city walls of Chu."

"Its range is no less than that of the Empire's catapult."

"Even the precision of production is no less than that of an empire."

Ying Zheng was very surprised by this.

He did not expect that Chu State would imitate so quickly.

This was indeed beyond his imagination.

"Chu State was able to collect so much food and grass at such a fast speed, and even the armament has been improved."

"This kind of learning is really shocking."

"It is this advanced learning ability that allowed the Chu Kingdom to last for eight hundred years."

"Furthermore, the state of Chu finally wiped out the widowed Jiangshan Sheji."

"It's just a pity that your opponent is a widow."

"Even if you have more advanced weapons, you are not a few opponents."

Ying Zheng had a decision in his heart.

If it weren't for the new improvement of the imperial weapons, I am afraid that this battle to destroy Chu would have been smashed into the sand.

After all, when he fought Chu, he had to fight twice in a row before he was completely defeated.

But even if they were defeated, they still could not rule completely.

"It's too difficult to fight Chu by land."

"After all, Xiang Yan is also a famous general."

"In addition to the preparation of the trebuchet, it makes the city more difficult to attack."

"It's just the time chosen by the widow, which makes it difficult for the state of Chu to form an effective resistance."

"Now, it's autumn harvest time."

"Although there are [-] people in Chu, the more people are farmers!"

"Even those little lords, at this time, just want to lead their subordinates and go home to harvest!"

"No one wants to fight during the autumn harvest."

"That would lose enough food."

Chapter 239 Attacking Chu, Chu people who are good at learning -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"That would lose enough food."

"But the widow, is to choose at this time!"

Under Ying Zheng's wave, the warship has set off.

In fact, the army led by Wang Jian had already started to attack.

The army led by Wang Jian numbered [-].

There are about [-] sailors in the empire, including grain ships.

There are still about [-] people for logistical supplies, and these people are guarding the cities along the border.

As for the direction of Meng Ao, Meng Ao alone led the empire's [-] army, including Meng Wu's [-] black armored cavalry.

The people in front were discussing the war.

"This time, the king didn't even walk on the road. It's a pity that the king's chariot is gone."

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