"Your Majesty is going to attack by water this time, and he also used a new artillery piece. This time, the Kingdom of Chu may be unable to resist."

"You said, how long will it take for the king to destroy the state of Chu?"

"Your Majesty has always fought very fast, but the size of the Chu State is a bit huge, but this time, I'm afraid it won't take more than a month."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"Who knows, the size of the Chu country is really too big, and those nobles are also quite stubborn."

"Don't think too much, since the king has chosen to fight Chu, let's fight it completely."

"It would be easier if we devoured the state of Chu and attacked the state of Qi."

"It is said that Qi State has built extremely powerful fortifications, and no one will be able to attack it from the front."

"The state of Qi is very strong, but it is still too difficult to resist the attack of the empire."

"That's right, with the King here, we are invincible."

While these Qin soldiers were chatting, they had already arrived at the city of Chu.

The city in front of him is called City Father. This is the plain to the northwest of Chu State, and it is also the main defense city of Chu State.


In the city, there are a full [-] defenders of the Chu State, which is an important area for the defense of the Chu State.

Ying Zheng looked at the map on the system.

"City father, there is Li Xin's sad place."

"When Li Xin led an army of [-] people to attack Chu, he used Meng Tian's army of [-] to surround Shangcai and contain the main force of Chu under his banner."

"And Li Xin himself, under the banner of Meng Tian, ​​led a hundred thousand elites to keep marching eastward, crossing Yingshui, and hitting the city father directly."

"I just didn't expect that Li Xin, who was less than thirty years old at the time, was still too young after all, and was finally killed by Xiang Yan there, and finally returned with a big defeat."

"And the widowed troops are now divided into three groups!"

"All the way, Wang Jian led an army of [-] people and directly forced the city father."

"The [-]-strong army led by Meng Ao set out from Nanjun to force Cai directly."

"Chengfu and Shangcai are both important cities for the Chu army, with [-] troops stationed there."

"These armies are also led by Xiang Yan and Xiang Bo respectively."

"And this Uncle Xiang is also Xiang Yan's last son and Xiang Yu's younger uncle."

"If the widow kills this Bo Xiang again, the Xiang family will be killed by the widow."

"Unfortunately, the direction of the widow's attack is not Xiang Yan and Xiang Bo."

Chapter 240 Hang up the widow's king flag!

The main direction of the Qin army's attack this time was not Shang Cai and Cheng Fu.

Although these two places were the most important defensive cities, Ying Zheng's purpose was to prevent the autumn harvest of Chu State.

In this way, both the current war and the long-term attack on Chu State will be of great benefit.

Whether it is tactical or strategic, it can cause oppression of Chu State.

This attack also came with a general momentum.

At least in the northwest area of ​​Shangcai, the food in the north of the city father will be reduced to the army food of the empire.

Meng Ao built a city in the northwest of Shangcai, and couldn't help but say, "This time the king is taking advantage of the autumn harvest, and his purpose is to rob Chu."

"If we capture Chu in one fell swoop, we will get a lot of food."

"Even if we can't defeat Chu, we can greatly reduce the power of "Seven Zero Zero" to defeat Chu."

"But if we do this, we are forcing Chu to fight us!"

"Your Majesty also asked us to spend more time on patrol in the rear to prevent the other party from sending spies and burning the food in the rear."

At this time, Mengao's deputy general Wang Ben couldn't help asking Mengao.

"Where did the king attack this time? The city father?"

"Everyone in the world thinks that the king can make good use of infantry, and with three thousand feathers, Lin Wei can be invincible in the world."

"But in fact, the king is a master of the art of war. He uses it well, not only for infantry, but also for navy."

"There are so many navy ships found in Daliang City, the king will definitely use them, and it is said that the ships are also equipped with new weapons and artillery."

"In this case, the king may go by water."

"Starting from the Hong Canal in Daliang City, down the Yingshui River, and then to the Huai River, you can directly reach the Shouchun City."

"However, this route requires facing the mighty Chu State navy."

"The navy of the state of Chu, also known as the navy of the Huaihe River, is the most powerful navy force of the state of Chu."

"He is also the most important line of defense for Chu's defense of Shouchun City."

"If our infantry attacked, the navy of the Chu State would take advantage of the half-water and finally cut through the army, eventually destroying it and defeating it."

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