"And the king is planning to use the imperial navy to completely occupy the waterways of Chu!"

At this time, Ying Zheng was sitting on the highest podium of the battleship.

In order for Ying Zheng to be able to personally command, Li Xin even put copper skins all over the ship!

Although this greatly reduces the manned number of warships, it also greatly increases the anti-strike ability of warships!

And this kind of warship, after boarding, has been greatly refitted. There are 10 artillery pieces on it, one of which is a super bronze cannon.

Ying Zheng knew, however, that the artillery would occupy the final position on this expedition.

And because of the type of fighting ship, it is very similar to the warships of later generations, so it is not easy for this fighting ship to be silent.

Of course, in addition to the artillery, there were also several small catapults on these ships.

In short, these five battleships, ten five-tooth warships, more than [-] ships, and a large number of building ships behind them, formed a huge imperial navy.

After all, the empire once had a navy.

And this kind of Mengchong, there are not many people on it, so it is very easy to build, Ying Zhengling Gong Shuqiu directly built fifty ships.

"In the water battle, Mengchong can play the role of a patrol boat and can effectively warn the enemy's attack."

"But in fact, the navy of the empire, there is no need to fear any navy."

Ying Zheng's heart was full of fighting spirit.

He is full of confidence in the warships produced by the system.

Chapter 240 Hang up the widow's king flag! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

He is full of confidence in the warships produced by the system.

After all, this is a product far beyond this era.

And water warfare, unlike land warfare, the cost of water warfare is obviously more expensive.

After all, the cost of building a warship is enough to support a not weak cavalry.

It is also because of the more powerful mobility of the navy that the strength of the navy is created.

"If the weather is good, two days will be enough to go down the river from the big beam to Shouchun, the capital of Chu."

"It's just that the Chu State's navy will still set a checkpoint after all.

The imperial navy along the Yingshui, from north to south, went straight in.

Along the way, they directly crossed the two major defensive points of the Chu army, Chengfu on the east bank of Yingshui, and Pingyu and Xiecheng on the west bank.

This went down the river and directly reached Hucheng.

Hucheng, a small town on the west bank of Yingshui, has a strong commercial atmosphere, because it was originally a rest stop on Yingshui.

On the west bank of Yingshui, there is a wharf.

It's just that Hucheng has completely cut off economic exchanges.

After all, Yingshui's main economic trade came from Daliang City, but now Daliang City has been occupied by Qin, so this route has been completely cut off.

"According to the report from the Shadow Secret Guard, the defending army of Hu City is only [-] Chu troops, but there, there are more than [-] ships of the Chu State navy!"

"There, the blockade of the waterway has long been formed."

"Here, it is also a defense line that obstructs the empire's attack and is biased towards the rear."

When Ying Zheng's warship arrived five miles away from Hucheng, it had already slowed down.

The battleships were lined up, forming a battle formation.

At this time, both Ying Zheng and the navy of Chu State had already discovered both sides.

The navy guards in Hucheng were even more shocked.

"Isn't Qin Jun attacking Cai and Chengfu? How dare you come to attack here."

"This place is already located in the third line of defense, does Qin Jun really dare to attack?"

"Do you want to fight a water battle? Does the Qin army really have the courage to fight a water battle with Chu?"

Ji Bu, who was guarding in the city, was full of shock.

He couldn't believe that Qin people dared to do this.

"But since the Qin people dare to fight, then teach them a lesson."

"Hucheng is the hinterland of Chu State after all, pass my 5.0 order, all archers go to the west bank of Yingshui, don't forget to bring catapults!"

"We are right here on the shore, with the warships, to fight the sailors of the Qin State!"

Ji Bu quickly issued an order. In addition to leaving [-] people to defend the city, all [-] people reached the bank of Yingshui, and all [-] people were ready to attack.

And the Chu State navy even set up a formation, guarding in the most familiar waters.

Through the monocular, Ying Zheng naturally saw the scene in front of him.

"I don't know if the state of Chu knew that the widow was on this ship."

"If you knew, the people of Chu would probably be crazy."

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