When Ji Bu saw the huge shadow coming from a distance on the water, his heart was full of shock.

"Qin's warships are so huge!"

When Jibu saw the navy of Chu State, he saw the warship of Chu State.

That warship can take a thousand warriors, and the tall ship is bigger than the palace.

He couldn't help but think, who can defeat such a huge warship?

It's just that today, the strength of the Imperial Navy has taught him a lesson.

The size of the five-toothed battleship is more than five times that of the Chu State navy battleship!

And this kind of big ship, there are fifteen ships at once!

The formation of a battle queue in this way is a strong threat to the Chu army.

Some Chu soldiers even muttered: "These Qin army's warships are like monsters floating down from the upper reaches."

"It's too big. It's scary at first glance. Can this kind of warship really be sunk?"

"I don't know, it's scary."

Some of the Chu soldiers who had never seen the world began to tremble at this time.

And the most shocking was the navy of Chu State.

When the Chu State navy saw the imperial battleship, they all began to wonder if they were dreaming.

"Isn't Chu's navy the most powerful in the world? Why is Qin's navy warship even bigger than ours?"

"This kind of big ship, hit us, we will be silent!"

"There are many openings on the ship, and there are many Qin soldiers on it."

"Don't worry, the water battle is about bravery. Qin people are all ducks on land, and they can't swim at all."

"Yes, Qin's land is all land, and there is very little water flow. How can there be people like us, who are formed alone and often train."

"Qin's warships are just food for death. Everyone should be careful not to let these warships dock to prevent those Qin troops from going ashore."

"Yes, once the Qin 877 Army goes ashore, we can't hold it back."

At this time, the navy of the Chu State was worried that the Qin army's wife would attack ashore.

If they went ashore, Hu Cheng would not be able to resist the attack of the Qin army at all, and this city would become a nail in the land of Chu, which would make the Chu army far away in Shangcai suffer from the enemy.

The most important thing is the supply of Shangcai Land, which will cause great problems.

Jibu placed his troops along the coast, which was naturally also the purpose.

He was afraid that the Qin people would land on the shore to fight.

"When King Qin was attacking the State of Yan, he directly bypassed all the defenses of the State of Yan and inserted directly into Jicheng."

"This kind of interspersed operations will indeed bring a great burden to the frontline troops."

"And the most worrying is that the navy of Qin State will run directly along the waterway to Shouchun City, just like attacking Jicheng, and go directly to Shouchun."

The battle of Ying Zheng's attack on Jicheng had long ago made the Chu country extremely fearful.

They were very afraid that Ying Zheng would continue to follow the example of the battle against Jicheng. If Shouchun fell, the army of Chu State would likely collapse in an instant.

"Here is the most important defense line of the Chu country. In any case, this Hu city cannot be lost."

"Otherwise, the [-]-strong army in Shangcai and other places will be in danger!"

Text Chapter 242 Bronze cannons show their power, gunpowder packs are like punishment!

Ying Zheng's battle in Yan's country made history.

He told all the generals in the world that the battle could still be fought like this.

Directly bypass all defensive units and insert directly into the 'heart' of the enemy country.

The state of Chu was a master of learning, so at this time, they were extremely worried, afraid of repeating Ying Zheng's old tricks.

Although even if the Qin State occupied Shouchun, the nobles from all over the country would not surrender at all.

Because of his Qu family, the hatred with Qin is even more monstrous.

And the Jing family will not give in either.

Because the southern county of the empire used to be the site of the Jing family.

Even if the King of Chu surrendered, the nobles of Chu State would never surrender.

"As long as these Qin State warships reach the range of the catapult, they will start to throw rocks!"

"Another soldier who knows water went to the water and scuttled Qin's ship!"

Ji Bu is orderly directing all this.

At the same time, Meng Chong of Chu State had already started to charge the imperial warships.

"These men rushed over, but they were just hitting stones with pebbles."

Li Xin's eyebrows fluttered when he saw this scene.

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