Ying Zheng said, "Their purpose is to dive into the water and sink these big ships."

When Li Xin heard this, Feiwu's eyebrows could not help wrinkling.

"The big ship is not afraid of a head-on battle, but it is afraid of scuttling the bottom of the ship."

"It's too difficult to scuttle a widow's warship, just hit it."


On the warship, there was a horn sound, and the oars stretched out from the bottom of the warship, and the five-tooth warship moved forward rapidly.

As for the fighting ship, the water wheel at the rear is used to move forward, and the crew members who create the bottom shout their horns and step on the flywheel quickly!

Fifteen huge battleships rushed straight over.

Water warfare is different from land warfare, and the fighting process is extremely long.

Those who rushed in first, some hurriedly changed directions, some avoided it, and were directly smashed into pieces.

But more Chu sailors chose to take out their short swords and jumped directly into the water.

They have been trained for a long time and have no problems diving at all.

"The artillery is aimed at the West Bank, fire 〃ˇ!"

Ying Zheng's order followed.

The flag was waved, and soldiers below were quickly conveying orders.

In the closed cabin, a new artilleryman held a torch, adjusted the direction of the artillery, and then ignited the lead.




The sound of the lead being ignited resounded in the cabin.

At this time, Ji Bu looked strangely at those dark windows.

"With another two hundred meters, the catapult's range will be reached."

"But what are those things sticking out of Qin Jun's warehouses?"

Ji Bu was full of doubts.

At this moment, the roar exploded on the Yingshui.




A series of explosions rang out, blue smoke rose from the copper cannon muzzle, and ten lead bullets roared towards the west bank.

The Chu army on the west bank was even more startled by the explosion, and even Ji Bu frowned.

Chapter 242 Bronze Cannon Shows Its Power, Gunpowder Packs Like Heaven's Punishment! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The Chu army on the west bank was even more startled by the explosion, and even Ji Bu frowned.

"What is this……"

But as soon as the idea appeared, those lead bullets landed on the west bank, some hit the catapult, and the iron bullets were still bouncing, killing and injuring several people from the nearby Chu army.

Some of them smashed directly on the Chu soldiers. Even if they were wearing thick leather armor, they were knocked out heavily, killing seven or eight people one after another, and your shells stopped bouncing just now.

The Chu army on the west bank couldn't help but panic at this moment.

They originally planned to send a wave to those Qin State warships, but they were beaten by the Qin army.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of people died.

Although this casualty was nothing compared to so many people, it still caused some confusion.

Many Chu people are already full of fear.

If the crossbow falls on the body, it will not necessarily die.

If Tie Ge is draped on his body, he may be injured.

The trebuchet stone is thrown over, maybe it can be avoided.

But this iron cannon came at such a fast speed that it was impossible to hide, and if it hit him, he would die!

"The Qin army has a new weapon."

"Don't be afraid, he doesn't have many weapons like this!"

"Yes! Vertical shield!"

In the wave just now, the Chu people felt that it was because of the lack of defense.

It's just that Ying Zheng stood on the podium and saw this behind the scenes, but his heart was full of regrets.

"After all, it's not a huge gun like an ironclad that can hit dozens of kilometers!"

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