"These ten rounds of shells hit the past, at most scaring people, it's a little uncomfortable."

"If the cannonball exploded, I'm afraid these Chu people would have long ago shouted that it was a punishment from heaven, and they should have broken up and fled."

"." But don't worry! "

"Stop the boat and keep fighting!"

When Ying Zheng's order was issued, the Qin army in the cabin was quickly washing the gun chambers, loading gunpowder, and loading shells.

These steps, they have been trained for a long time, and they are extremely familiar at this time.

Soon, the second wave of volleys hit the past again.

Even if the Chu army was holding a shield and hit the shells, the shield instantly shattered, and it was impossible to stop it!

Dozens of people died again.

Ji Bu's forehead burst with blue veins.

"What kind of weapon is the Qin people? Before we met, we have already killed and injured more than [-] people!"

At this time, Ying Zheng felt that the battleship was shaking slightly because of the recoil of the artillery, and could not help but feel a little regretful.

"It's a pity that the artillery was distributed this time."

"Otherwise, the thirty artillery pieces are fired together, and the opponent is destined to be caught off guard."

Although Ying Zheng felt some regrets in his heart, but he knew that he should not be in a hurry at this time.

On these battleships, in addition to the artillery, there are also hundreds of eight cattle crossbows made by Shaofu.

At this time, these crossbow arrows have all been wound up, aiming at the shore, and the powerful crossbow guns flew to the shore at a standstill.

Some crossbow guns exploded and burned directly on the shore, and some crossbow guns had gunpowder bags hanging on them!

On the West Bank, this wave of artillery and crossbow volleys killed hundreds of people.

Jibu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Counterattack! Counterattack!"

However, the stones thrown by the catapult can only be thrown a few meters away from the ship at the farthest distance, which poses no threat to the warship at all.

However, the artillery and strong crossbow of these warships were the reminders of the Chu army on the west bank.

After the special gunpowder gun exploded on the shore, a huge flame rose up, and the nearby Chu troops were blown away.

A smell of gunpowder filled the West Bank. .

Text Chapter 243 The Battle Hymn of the State of Chu "The National Sorrow"

The explosion of the gunpowder package brought great panic to the Chu army in the West Bank.

The flame rose more than four meters high, and everyone in Chu could see it clearly.

The explosion of this gunpowder bag lasted for several times.

"This is God's punishment, God's punishment!"

"God won't let us resist Qin Jun, let's all run."

For a time, these Chu troops began to flee.

They didn't want to fight the Qin State navy at all.

Because this can't be beaten at all, and can only be beaten passively.

Even Ji Bu broke out in a cold sweat after a cannonball wiped his body.

He felt death roaring past him.

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat into the city!"

Ji Bu was roaring, and the army began to retreat.

Many soldiers, are far away from the shore.

They are not suitable for water battles.

This battle can only be handed over to the navy of Chu State.

When those navy officers fled, the Chu nation navy masters rushed over at the risk of death.

The water battles of this era are all side-to-side battles!

In water battles, you need to board the boat through a springboard.

It was only when the navy of Chu State rushed over, the bronze cannons, catapults, and crossbow guns all shot at the warships of the State of Chu!


Among them, the damage of the cannonball is the greatest, and a single cannonball can pierce the fragile warship.

And the accuracy of artillery shells is much more accurate than that of ballistas and catapults.

In the blink of an eye, three or five Chu State warships were directly sunk.

Many Chu sailors were swimming in the water, trying to board the ships behind.

"It's King Qin! King Qin is on the boat!"

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