Ying Zheng stood on the boat and could feel the hull swaying in the distance.

The underside of the Chu State's sailor warship was shaking violently, trying to overturn the ship, but this was nothing but a fool's dream.

This fighting ship is produced by the system, and the safety is very guaranteed.

After trying for a long time, the navy of Chu State could only be in vain in the end. On the contrary, after the first contact, more than [-] ships of various sizes were sunk.

In this way, the melee capabilities of this warship are really too powerful.

After all, most of the ancient warships were for close combat.

"Scuttle! Scuttle this ship!"

There were sailors with good water skills who dived into the water and chiseled the bottom of the boat.

But the bottom of this big ship is made of the hardest hardwood. They have been chiseling the bottom of the ship for a long time, and it has no effect.

But after all, a sailor from Chu State emerged from the water excitedly, extremely excited.

"I cut through the bottom of this boat!"

All the Chu State navy could not help looking at it, and soon they found that the five-toothed warship was gradually tilting.

"It's going to capsize! Everyone worked hard and scuttled all the other ships!"

For a time, the morale of the Chu army was shaken.

Li Xin was a little nervous.

After all, every ship here is an invaluable wealth of the empire. If one sinks, the loss is not small.

Ying Zheng saw his thoughts and said calmly, "Don't be afraid, it won't sink."

Li Xin couldn't help looking at the ship and found that the ship did sink for a while, but it didn't sink completely.

Although the hull has been tilted, it is not sinking!

Chu Jun was extremely solemn at this time.

"Why is it still not sinking?".

Chapter 244 The Unsinkable Imperial Warship!

The bottom of the five-toothed warship had indeed been pierced.

But the body only sank for a while, and it was slightly inclined, but it didn't sink.

The soldiers on that ship saw this, and their hearts were even more determined.

"This ship won't sink, keep fighting!"

The stick and the boulder fell down again, but the two warships of the Chu State next to it were sunk in an instant.

The Chu State navy was already stunned.

Generally, if the ship is exposed and sunk, this is a very normal thing.

The strong pressure on the water will also make the cracks bigger and bigger, and eventually a lot of water will enter, making it difficult to repair.

But this warship, why can't it sink?

At this time, Ying Zheng watched the situation of the warship through the system.

"Although this warship was pierced through the bottom, only one compartment was flooded."

"This kind of big ship has built many watertight cabins. Even if one of the cabins is flooded, it will not affect the continued use of other cabins."

"Unless these guys can pierce most of the cabins of a ship, it's too hard to sink this warship."

Ying Zheng knew very well that there was an advantage to having such a watertight compartment.

This kind of watertight compartment originated in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and had great development in the Southern Song Dynasty.

When Zheng He's fleet of voyages to the West Ocean, this watertight compartment was used on a large scale, so that kind of big ship could sail such a long distance.

However, it is not Huaxia that has developed this watertight compartment to the extreme.

It's a U.S. aircraft carrier.

American aircraft carriers are almost unsinkable.

A scrapped aircraft carrier owned by the United States used all the advanced weapons of the sea, land and air force to bombard it for more than a month before it completely sank the aircraft carrier...

Although the empire's warships have not reached this level at present, for the wars of this era, these five-toothed warships are equivalent to aircraft carriers.

Even if it is completely damaged, it will take half an hour to an hour for the ship to sink, and there is enough time for the crew to escape.

"Don't chisel that ship, chisel King Qin's ship!"

For a time, the navy all rushed to Ying Zheng's ship, wanting to completely scuttle it from the bottom.

Ying Zheng sneered after seeing this scene through the system.

"It's beyond your own power!"

When those sailors lurked under the water and saw the underwater structure of the warship, they were dumbfounded.


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