"How to chisel this!"

As early as in Daliang, Ying Zheng used the skills of craftsmen to coat the bottom of this fighting ship with a layer of iron.

Even at the bow and stern, there are iron rams.

It is too sleepy to want to scuttle this battleship by scuttling the ship.

"Iron-hulled ships are not unique to the modern West, but as early as the Yuan Dynasty, warships would have been covered with a layer of iron."

"It's just that in the Qing Dynasty, all these things were lost, and eventually Huaxia became so poor and weak."

"Through the ages, Huaxia slaves will not perish from alien races, but will only disintegrate on their own."

"Chu is a big country, although few people can completely conquer it, but it is difficult to conquer the hearts of Chu people."

"In this case, then I will use absolute terror to completely disintegrate the will of the Chu people!"

Ying Zheng had already made a decision in his heart.

At this time, in Shanglin Garden, in addition to the project of digging the Imperial Canal, Zhang Han led the Shaofu and was also carrying out the research and development of iron cannons.

In the end, Xiangli Qin cheered and rushed to Zhang Han's resting room.

"It's done! It's completely done!"

Chapter 244 The Unsinkable Imperial Warship! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"It's done! It's completely done!"

If you look closely, whether it is Zhang Han or Xiangli Qin, there are thick dark circles under the eyes.

Obviously, during this period of time, they did not have a good rest.

"What became?"

Zhang Han has too many things to deal with these days.

Although he is only a young mansion supervisor, he has more power than the prime minister.

After all, he is responsible for millions of craftsmen and labor.

"The cast iron cannon is ready!"

Zhang Han's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Go! Go and see."

Soon, Zhang Han saw the craftsmen with the same dark circles around the iron cannon with excited faces.

Zhang Han was even more excited when he saw the five-meter-long cannon.

"Have you used it? What's the effect? ​​Will it not explode?"

When Xiangli Qin and the craftsmen heard this, their faces darkened.

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"What are you talking about? We do our best to make cannons, and of course we build the best things."

"On this cannon, your and my names will be engraved. If it really explodes and kills our compatriots, both yours and mine will be punished by the law!"

"This kind of joke is not allowed."

"Haha! It's fine if there is no problem, let's try it with two shots first."

"In addition, how many cannons can be made of this type of artillery, and how fast can they be made?"

"This cast iron gun is made of mud, pour molten iron into it, and after it has completely solidified, pry off the mud on it."

"As long as there are enough materials, so many craftsmen can make a hundred doors a day."

Although the construction of iron cannons is very complicated, Ying Zheng has gathered all the craftsmen from all over the world here.

0 ......

Building a hundred cannons a day is no problem at all.

"Your Majesty is in a hurry, the sooner the better!"

"Then you can build fifty doors first, half a day is fine."

"As long as the molten iron solidifies and the temperature is not so high, it can be thrown on the boat with the abrasive tool."

"Send a few more blacksmiths in an instant, and when it's handed over to the army, knock off the mold outside and polish it in the cannon."

"In this way, the time can be greatly shortened."

"Fifty doors? Can't wait that long, build [-] doors first and ship them to the king."

"You can directly reach the beam along the river, and then go down along the Yingshui and hand it over to the king."

Zhang Han quickly gave the order.

He is also fully responsible for logistical supplies.

And the assembly is not only cannons, but also shells and gunpowder, especially gunpowder packs. During this time, they produced a lot.

"Unfortunately, what I am most interested in is the musket that the king said."

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