"If you have a musket, it will not only be more convenient to carry, but also much more powerful than a cluster of arrows."

"This kind of musket, if it is made of iron, it is a bit troublesome, and the technology is still immature."

"The cost of iron is obviously much lower than that of copper, but this kind of musket does not need mass production for the time being."

"Is it possible to polish a copper musket purely by hand?".

Chapter 245 Research and develop bronze fire guns!Shangcai City Wall was blown down!

When Ying Zheng was in the water battle, he still thought that the number of artillery pieces was not enough.

Otherwise, when the enemy is close to the battleship's line of sight, you can directly sink the enemy's warship in one wave.

In that case, do you still have to wait for the Chu army to come to the front to fight the side battle?

From Ying Zheng's point of view, this kind of battle is simply weak.

He didn't know yet that in Shanglin Garden, Xianyang, in the far northwest, the craftsmen not only conquered the technology of cast iron guns, but Zhang Han was also studying how to make muskets!

Of course, this musket is destined to be very different from the firearms of later generations.

The firearms of later generations have evolved for hundreds of years before forming that form.

And the current musket is similar in principle to the artillery.

The most accurate name should be called Fire Gun!

"It's the kind of "nine eight seven" that can be held in the hand by making the artillery smaller."

"Made of bronze!"

Zhang Han quickly found a craftsman and quickly made a copper pipe.

Today, the empire is trying its best to overcome the technical difficulties. The iron cannon has just been overcome, and it is very difficult to build it with iron.

But it is not difficult for those craftsmen to make fire guns out of bronze.

This is a copper pipe with one end dead and the other open. An old coppersmith can polish it by hand, and the error is only a few tenths of a millimeter, which is almost negligible.

After all, when they built the bronze crossbow mechanism, the error was within a few tenths of a millimeter.

This precise forging has long become their habit.

It didn't take long for the bronze tube to be made, which was also made using a mold, but it needed to be polished by hand in the later stage.

After the long bronze pipe was built, it was tied to the wooden support, which was considered a success.

"Come and try."

Zhang Han couldn't wait, but he didn't dare to try it himself, but asked a craftsman apprentice to try it.

After all, when the cast iron gun exploded, it killed a lot of people.

He didn't want to kill himself!

Then, under his guidance, the apprentice poured explosives directly into it, and after hitting it with a long stick, he added lead bullets.

Finally, put the fire stick on it and fire it up!


The fire nianzi continued to burn, emitting blue smoke, and finally completely ignited the gunpowder inside.


The huge recoil pushed the thin craftsman apprentice directly to the ground, and the fire gun mouth was bubbling with smoke.

Although the craftsman apprentice was a little mentally prepared, at this time he was so frightened that he was out of his body, his head was buzzing, and he had no idea what had just happened.

Zhang Han looked at the tree in front of him excitedly.

A buckshot was embedded in that tree.

"If you hit someone this time, you can kill them directly!"

Zhang Hand set up his hands with excitement on his face.

Then Zhang Han tried again and found that the range of the fire gun was only about [-] meters, and if it was further away, it would have no power.

"If this thing is improved, it may really be better than the crossbow arrow."

Zhang Han couldn't help but talk about this matter with Xiangli Qin, and the two have reached a cooperation.

After all, Xiangli Qin's main responsibility is to develop more things for the empire.

For example, the previous Imperial Canal was his first attempt.

He prepared large factories, using water power, to completely solve the problem of manpower.

Chapter 245 Research and Development of Bronze Fire Guns!Shangcai City Wall was blown down! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

He prepared large factories, using water power, to completely solve the problem of manpower.

After all, he didn't want the farmer to have that much work.

This is their Mohist philosophy.

Didn't the Mo family also want to use technology to make life better?

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