And these can only be realized gradually in the Qin Kingdom!

As for this kind of weapon, it can make the world end the war earlier, and the world will be unified from now on.

This is what they want to see too.

Of course, Ying Zheng didn't pay attention to the fire gun invented by Xianyang. After all, it was only a small matter.

On the other hand, he saw the ship carrying the cast-iron gun, which was already heading here.

"Water fighting is different from fighting on land."

"A water battle of this scale may take a day or even a few days to get a result."

"That's the limit of water warfare in this era."

"But the widow is not in a hurry. After all, the Chu State's navy will be completely destroyed. This is a matter of time."

"It's just to the surprise of the widow that Meng Ao has already attacked!"

The order that Ying Zheng issued to Meng Ao and Wang Jian at the beginning was to use the large army as a check on the Chu army...  

Ying Zheng himself came to cut off the supply of Chu State's rear, causing the Chu army to be in chaos, and then taking the opportunity to defeat the Chu army.

What he didn't expect was that Meng Ao attacked directly.

In fact, this is not Mengao's fault.

The battlefield is constantly changing, and anything can happen.

Mengao's Nanjun soldiers were the first to arrive on the battlefield.

Large and small frictions are naturally constant.

Moreover, the guard in Shangcai City was none other than Xiang Yan.

It's just that, standing still, it's not the temperament of a veteran Mengao.

He has fought for many years, and now he is so old, but he does not have the temperament of Wang Jian.

These days, in addition to letting the soldiers scold the battle, he set up the ten bronze cannons, facing Shang Caicheng, it was a bang!

The explosion of the original artillery caused a lot of trouble to the Shang Cai defenders in the city, thinking it was a punishment from heaven.

But over time, you get used to it.

"Mengao let the copper cannons bombard the city wall like this every day. When the barrels overheated, they stopped. After cooling down, they continued to bombard..."

"In the first few days, I accidentally smashed the city gate, but the back of the city gate was blocked with stones, and I couldn't get in at all."

"But after some 1.4 days, the Shangcai city wall was blown loose by shells."

"When one of the shells hit it, the city wall of Shangcai collapsed..."

"Without the protection of the city wall, the Chu army is a little bit stronger than the sheep in front of the Qin army."

"Mengao, as a veteran who has fought for many years, naturally refuses to let such a good opportunity pass."

"That's why there is this battle."

"And the most terrifying thing is the defenders of Shangcai, and there are not [-] people."

"Only [-] Chu troops are guarding the city wall, and the rest are civilians!"

"Under such circumstances, how can Mengao not take advantage of this opportunity."

"It's just that in Shang Cai Pingyu and other places, there are at least [-] troops."

"And where did the rest of the Chu army go?".

Chapter 246 The Chu people's night escape technology is invincible in the world.

The whereabouts of [-] Chu troops are unknown, which is quite deadly in the war.

Originally, everyone thought that there were [-] defenders in Shang Cai City, but in fact, there were no such people.

All the people were wearing armor, and if the city wall had not collapsed, they would have been in a stalemate with the Qin army for a long time.

Soon, Meng Ao caught a general.

"Where did your army go?"

The general trembled and said, "The army... On the second day of the shelling, the general led the army to leave Shangcai City."

"The general only left one sentence. If he can't defend the city, he will simply surrender."

When the general said this, he couldn't help but remember the words explained above.

'Pretend to surrender first, and in a few days the army will come back to rescue them. '

"When did you leave?"

"The next night."

Mengao stroked his beard, and his chest was mature.

"Is it Ye Dun again? Chu Jun's proficiency in Ye Dun can be said to be the pinnacle!"

13 "It is very difficult for the Qin army to catch up with the Chu army under such circumstances."

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