Although Meng Ao had some regrets in his heart, he finally let the spies go around to inquire about the situation.

"The army is repaired in place, and all the prisoners and craftsmen here are sent to Shanglin Garden."

"Building Shanglin Garden will require a lot of manpower."


Soon, the general waited for the Chu army to return, and then the plan of rebellion was completely unsuccessful.

They were all completely split by the Qin people and sent to Shanglinyuan to build the Imperial Canal.

In this city, except for some old and weak women and children who were left to harvest the grain in the rear, the rest of the people were all caught to the north.

"Before these people are sent to Shanglin Garden, let them fully repair the city wall before leaving."

Meng Ao gave orders to his subordinates.

Shangcai is a military city, located on the west side of Yingshui and north of Huai River.

This city is also the center of this plain, and it has always been a battleground for military strategists.

Now that the Qin army is based on Caicheng above, it can more easily occupy the territory of the state of Chu.

Before dark, Tanma finally sent a message back.

"The Chu troops in Caicheng went to the rear to harvest food."

"Now the grains in the southern and eastern parts of this plain have been harvested by them."

"At the same time, they are also retreating. It seems that they do not want to confront us head-on."

Meng Ao showed a smile.

"Don't want to fight us head-on? We are only [-] people, and their defenders in this area are more than [-] people, twice as many as us. It is us who have suffered heavy losses."

"Then why didn't Chu Jun fight us?"

"Because they know that this is not the main battlefield. If they fight us, they will lose both and lose their troops."

"They want to retain their forces and defeat the king in one fell swoop!"

"Because the people of Chu know very well that unless they can defeat the king in one fell swoop, they will never be able to dispel the king's ambition to occupy the entire world."

"Even if all of our [-] people are wiped out, within the next year, the empire will pull out another [-] people."

"In Qin, we are really all soldiers."

Mengao had been a general for so many years, and it was easy to guess what the other side was thinking.

He has fought for a lifetime, and he has grown old and mature, and the appearance of Ying Zheng has made his fighting more secure.

After all, Ying Zheng was there, so it was easy for them to think that listening to Ying Zheng's words would be enough to destroy the Six Kingdoms!

Chapter 246 The Chu people's night escape technology is invincible in the world. -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

After all, Ying Zheng was there, so it was easy for them to think that listening to Ying Zheng's words would be enough to destroy the Six Kingdoms!

Even Mengao was not surprised.

He felt that Ying Zheng was simply the chosen person, born with the mission of unifying the world.

On this point, Qin people have a consensus.

Even the occupied Koreans, Zhao people, Wei people, and Yan people have this view.

Ying Zheng used one victory after another to fight the world with fear.

Only the state of Chu wanted to continue to compete with the empire.

Although many Chu people find it difficult to defeat the empire.

But the problem is here, and it has reached the point of breaking the boat.

If you don't fight, you will destroy the country!

This is something that all Chu people cannot bear.

At this time, Ying Zheng knew the situation.

The [-] Chu troops had already withdrawn from Shangcai to Pingyu City by night.

At the same time, the Chu army erected walls to clear the fields and moved all the people to Pingyu City.

"There is basically no problem with the direction of Mengao."

"On the contrary, Wang Jian is quite stable. So far, there has been no movement at all."

"Even the artillery is useless. Obviously he wants to use the artillery as a surprise."

"It's just that this water battle is still in a stalemate."

Ying Zheng saw the situation on the warship.

The Qin people and the Chu people fought with all their might to seize control of the warship.

Among them was a toothless warship, which was even more ignited.

These wooden boats, even if they are fireproofed, are the easiest to catch fire.

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