"This also led to the reform of the state of Chu, which was not as straightforward as Shang Yang's reform."

When Ying Zheng thought of Bai Qi, he couldn't help but be full of emotion.

Warring States, this is the best era, a hundred schools of thought contend, various political systems are reflected in this era, and countless scholars wander among the countries, looking for their own shelter.

The Warring States period was also the worst of times. The king launched wars for his own selfishness and the power of the whole country.

Since the Warring States Period, the war has never stopped. After so many years of fighting, the domestic war did not stop until the Han Dynasty. At the same time, the contradiction was completely transferred to the Xiongnu.

Emperor Qin and Han Wu.

Ying Zheng unified the world, but it was Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who really made the world into a piece of iron.

It took hundreds of years before and after.

"Although the reformers are all aiming for the best results, in fact, they have changed the way of life of the common people, touched the interests of too many people, and ended up dying tragically, which is even more common."

"Throughout the ages, how many people have had good results who want to reform and become stronger?"

Ying Zheng's eyes were solemn.

In the eyes of later generations, this world is nothing but a division of interests.

Who can get more benefits, who can get support.

And for the sake of profit, without the spirit that runs through the country, can a strong country really be built?

This is obviously an impossible thing.

It's just that this doesn't exist in Qin.

In Qin, only the king has the supreme power over the law!

Others, like pyramids, are in their place.

They all know how to fight better for a nation.

Only in the Qin state can people have a fair chance.

No matter the nobles or the commoner slaves, they are all ordinary people. Only by relying on their own efforts can they rely on the law, step by step, and rise to the sky.

Even ordinary people are not without a chance to reach the top.

Ying Zheng created this opportunity for everyone!

But the country of Chu did not have this opportunity.

"Wu Qi wanted to create a powerful Qin state and give the commoners a chance to rise, but the nobles felt that they violated their own interests and eventually died."

"Even the law he changed has not been completely preserved."

Ying Zheng couldn't help feeling sorry for Wu Qi.

Wu Qi reformed successively in Wei State and Chu State, and founded the world-famous invincible Wei Wuzun in Wei State. Later, he was suspicious of Wei King and had to flee from Chu State.

"It would be great if he was a servant of the widow."

Chapter 249 Hu Cheng descended, Ji Bu died!

When Ying Zheng thought about Wu Qi, his heart was full of regrets.

Wu Qi, not only created the invincible Wei Wuzun, but also made Wei a great country, and the Qin country that fought lost the Hangu Pass.

It also carried out a vigorous reform of the state of Chu.

The fundamental reason was that Wu Qi had to flee to Chu State due to the suspicion of King Wei.

The state of Chu naturally had the desire to become stronger, and even allowed Wu Qi to be the prime minister to carry out the reform of the state of Chu.

"Wu Qi's reforms were indeed very advanced, but they touched the interests of the nobles, and they were eventually overthrown by the stubborn state of Chu."

"Shang Yang's reforms did not put out the government when people died, but Wu Qi's reforms did not kill people and the government died."

"Otherwise, these Chu soldiers can all be elite soldiers."

"Qin and Chu will also face even more brutal wars. It is unknown what kind of situation will eventually result."

When Ying Zheng thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, in Hucheng, there were crossbow guns standing up everywhere, and many people were nailed to the ground.

Ji Bu was even more anxious and his mouth burst into flames.

"From yesterday to today, [-] people have died, and the military's heart has completely collapsed at this time."

Ji Bu was full of emotion.

Even his subordinates are discussing surrender.

"Let's surrender, we really can't resist!"

"Yes, the Qin army is too strong, and fighting against the Qin army will only result in death."

"The Qin army is so strong, we can't beat it at all."

At this time, everyone looked at Ji Bu.

Ji Bu's forehead burst with blue veins.

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