"Since I am a general of the state of Chu, how can I betray my country?"

"Jibu, never surrender!"

But at this moment, he didn't pay attention, there were already many Chu people staring at Ji Bu's mind.

After several discussions, it culminated after Jibu executed several soldiers who wanted to surrender.

Facing the coercion of artillery and strong crossbow, these Chu people not only did not choose to die in battle, but raised their swords to Jibu.

"What are you doing? Rebellion?"

"General Jibu is sorry. In order to keep everyone alive, only by offering your head can the anger of King Qin be extinguished."

Ji Bu felt a chill in his heart when he heard this.

At this time, the military heart has been completely collapsed by this bronze cannon!

If the city wall collapses, it can be rebuilt, but if people's hearts collapse, they can't stop it.

In the past, Sun Tzu's art of war was cloudy, and attacking heart was the top priority.

Now, these Chu troops have no psychological defense.

Many soldiers raised butcher knives to Jibu.

They felt that Jibu was much easier to fight than those huge warships in Yingshui!

It's just that they underestimated Ji Bu's bravery!

Ji Bu held a two-handed halberd, and after cutting down several people, he finally led more than [-] people and escaped directly from Hucheng.

At this time, they happened to meet Li Xin who was guarding outside.

"It's time for us to fight!"

Li Xin shouted, and led Da Qin Ruishi to chase after Ji Bu who escaped.

Five thousand Qin Ruishi attacked the three thousand fleeing Chu troops, and there was almost no suspense.

Ji Bu held a pair of halberds and led his subordinates to rush left and right, but he could not escape the pursuit of the Qin army.

The Chu people who escaped were like sheep being slaughtered by the Qin army.

"The trend is over."

Chapter 249 Hu Cheng descends, Ji Bu dies! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"The trend is over."

Ji Bu sighed with emotion, then led a few men, abandoned the army, and fled directly into the distance.

It's not that he doesn't want to fight, but that there is no chance at all now.

But he didn't expect that before he could go far, a crossbow arrow was shot directly into the muscles of his calf.

Even wearing two layers of leather armor, there is not much resistance to this crossbow.

This arrow down made him completely unable to move forward.

"Help me!"

Ji Bu shouted to the surrounding soldiers, some of his subordinates wanted to support his body and flee into the distance, but the next moment he found that the two Chu soldiers were shot to the ground.

A spear pierced straight through his heart.

"Really dying."

Ji Bu threw the halberd directly at Li Xin, who was facing him.

"Even if I die! I only pull a back!"

It's just that Li Xin didn't avoid this halberd at all, just the key to avoid it, and let the halberd stick on the iron armor.

The spear in his hand had already pierced Ji Bu's chest.

A lot of blood spilled out of Ji Bu's mouth, and he was filled with regret after seeing Li Xin's armour with his halberd hanging on it.

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"I don't agree!"

He knew that the failure this time was because the equipment of the Qin army was too advanced!

Whether it was the kind of artillery or the iron armor Ji Bu was wearing, he was extremely jealous.

If the Chu army had this kind of weapon, wouldn't it be possible to sweep the world.

It's just that you can only think about it.

In the end, his head was cut off by Li Xin's sword, and he hung his head on the horse's butt.

The Chu army followed Ji Bu's death and collapsed completely. Many people even threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground to surrender.

In Hu Chengzhong, a white flag was raised, and some messengers trembled to the shore, holding the white flag in their hands.

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"Stop shooting."

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