But maybe some warships can survive by luck, but when they come within a mile, they will find that the shells of the Qin people are absolutely terrible!

In just half an hour, they lost more than [-] warships!

Such casualties, they dare not imagine.

And they also successfully dashed into the distance of half a mile.

"After all, they only have thirteen ships, how many such iron balls can they carry? Just rush over! If their iron balls are completely consumed, it will be time for them to be completely destroyed."

It's just that in this 700-meter place, they can no longer save.

If they go 200 meters further, they can still fight back with the trebuchets on board.

But at a distance of 700 meters, they couldn't hit it at all!

And the artillery of the empire can often completely penetrate the bottom of the Chu State's watercraft with one shot.

After all, the Chu State warships of this era have not yet invented watertight cabins.

As long as the bottom of the 563 ship is penetrated, it means that the ship is completely over.

Although the Empire's warship was already shaking violently on the water, it was not difficult to aim at such a short distance!

At the same time, cast iron guns are more heat-resistant than bronze guns, and can fire more shells at a time, only with cooling.

And once these cannons cool down, the new cannons at the rear will follow, forming a continuous artillery fire!

The Chu army's warships had already been beaten into chaos, and some wanted to turn around and run away, but in the chaos, they were directly loaded on their warships.

In addition, the wreckage of the warship in front also caused a great obstacle to the advance of the warship of Chu State in the rear.

"Don't mess up! Keep rushing!"

"As long as Ying Zheng is captured, from now on, there will be no war in Chu!"

"Yes, capture Ying Zheng alive!"

For a time, the morale of the Chu army was shaken again!

The next 100 meters was completely exchanged for them with hundreds of warships.

In the water, all kinds of Chu people were struggling desperately in the water, hoping that the fleet behind them would be able to pull them up.

Of course, there were also people in Chu who were unfortunately hit by shells, and blood stained the water.

After fighting for an hour, a distance in Yingshui was completely dyed red with blood. .

Body Chapter 252 Can God be defeated?The king said: Yes!

The Chu State navy paid an extremely heavy price within one mile of the imperial navy.

The river water was completely blood red.

It was all the wreckage of the Chu State's warships, so that the ships behind wanted to move forward, and they needed a lot of obstacles.

But even so, Chu State's warships were still charging forward.

At the very front of the warship, there were wizards from Chu State who were wearing clothes woven from feathers, standing on the bow and dancing.

This is a sacrifice, they are calling the gods in the river to bring disaster on the Qin army, in order to ensure the victory of the war.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he laughed.

"Are you calling the Dragon King in the river?"

"Even if there is a Dragon King in this river, he must submit to the widow!"

In Ying Zheng's eyes, there was a look of incomparable confidence.

The Qin people behind him felt the same way.

"What if you have a god? These artillery pieces can be used as weapons for slaughtering gods."

"Furthermore, the king is the real living god!"

The artillery bombardment of the Qin army still did not stop.

As the Chu army approached, it made the artillery hit more accurately.

Two miles away, there are still artillery shells missing.

But in this place, it is very difficult for the shells to fail completely.

"For a mile, even a majestic battleship can easily be hit and sunk completely by a cannonball."

The Chu people in the back saw the blood red in the river and the wreckage of the warship, and had lost the courage to move on.

"We can't rush in front of Qin people at all!"

"There's one more mile, you can't just give up."

"As long as we can catch King Qin, this battle will not be in vain."

"Yes! We still have gods protecting us. In this battle, the victory must belong to us."

All the Chu people couldn't help but look at the wizard at the front of the warship.

That is the belief of all.

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