But at this moment, a lead bullet smashed directly, piercing the wizard's chest in an instant, and then smashed the bow of the ship into a big hole.

At this moment, all the Chu people did not have a shudder in their hearts.

This battle, from the beginning to the present, has been inexplicable.

They have lost more than [-] warships, large and small, without even touching the edge of the Qin State's warships!

This has already beaten the navy of Chu State in fear!

If the general troops hit this level, I am afraid they would have collapsed long ago.

After all, this has already lost more than half, but Qin Bing has not been injured.

It makes them feel crazy.

In particular, there were broken shipwrecks everywhere in the river, and the Chu army who asked for help made the hearts of the latecomers feel extremely terrifying.

"The wizard was also killed, we can't beat the Qin army~' ."

"Run away!"

"We are on a warship after all, as long as we kill the military judge on the ship, that's it."

For a while, the Chu people's warship began to slow down, turned its direction and fled far away.

This also completely inspired the fear in the hearts of Chu people.

"I don't want to fight the Qin people anymore."

Chapter 252 Can God be cut down?The king said: Yes! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"I don't want to fight the Qin people anymore."

"Their weapons are terrible!"

In the blink of an eye, the Chu army's warship fled along the Yingshui into the distance!

Even the officers of Chu State couldn't help but feel the fear in their hearts at this moment.


"I hope that in this life, I will never be an enemy of the Qin people again."

Many Chu people have an idea in their hearts.

Years ago, they heard the description of the Qin people, all holding the head in the left hand and the prisoner in the right arm, fierce and vicious, like a tiger and a wolf.

But now, Qin people are no longer tigers and wolves, but gods.

That kind of loud artillery not only destroyed their battle formations, but also completely destroyed their hearts!

They never want to fight with the Qin country again in this life, because the artillery fire of the Qin country has left a big shadow in their hearts.

There is no doubt that when these people return to their hometowns, they will tell their companions about the horrors of the Qin people.

And at that moment, fear is contagious.

"There are [-] warships in the state of Chu, and the number of sailors is more than [-]."

"And if this round of attacks continues, at least [-] Chu troops will die."

"In the water, there are even more sailors from Chu State."

"This battle has completely raised the reputation of the empire."

"When those veterans escaped from the battlefield, they would tell their companions how powerful and terrifying the empire was."

Ying Zheng was quite satisfied with this.

And the most satisfying thing is that there are almost zero casualties here!

Except for one soldier who was accidentally scalded by the artillery, no one was injured.

At this time, Qin Bing on the boat couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"'" We only had [-] people, we went to fight [-] Chu State navy masters, and we actually won? "

"Isn't this record comparable to Yulinwei's?"

"No, although Yulinwei's black-armored iron cavalry is invincible, it is inevitable that there will be some damage, but we have no damage at all!"

"Aren't we already comparable to Yulinwei!"

"Haha, our warships and weapons seem to be almost as valuable as Yulinwei's armor and warhorses."

"The most important thing is that we are led by a heroic and invincible king, so we can win every battle!"

"Yes, these are all the credits of the king, otherwise, with us, how could it be possible to defeat the navy of the Chu State so easily."

Thinking of this, the Qin people couldn't help but admire Ying Zheng even more.

(well done)

They knew very well that these things were all thanks to Ying Zheng.

At the same time, they continued to shoot the fleeing Chu warships with artillery.

Although they don't have much knowledge, but this kind of shooting has been practiced, and the operation is like flowing water, and the man and the artillery are completely integrated.

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