When Ying Zheng saw the scene of Qin people manipulating the artillery, his heart could not help but be filled with emotion.

"Sure enough, Qin people were born for war."

"Although this kind of artillery has some defects, but with the close cooperation of the Qin people, the defects of the artillery have long been regarded as defects."

"These old Qin people are like the parts on the artillery. They are strong and durable, making the artillery more powerful."

Ying Zheng also gradually understood why the Qin state was finally able to unite the seven states.

But the most important issue right now is to chase down the fleeing Chu State navy! .

Body Chapter 253 Destroy the rot!

Following Ying Zheng's order, thirteen warships raised their full sails and began to pursue the Chu State warships ahead.

The five-toothed warship passed through the blood-red Yingshui, and even pale corpses could be seen floating on the water.

There are countless broken wooden boards floating on the water.

This is enough to witness the brutality of this battle.

Many Chu people who fell into the water swam to the other side in exclamation when they saw the imperial warship rushing towards them.

It is not difficult for them to imagine what kind of fate they would have if they were run over by a warship.

They were still sighing that the Qin State warship passed by them, but they finally spared their lives. The next moment, they saw those Qin people driving the boat with excitement, and stretched out their palms to them.

"Come up."

What the Qin people said in the old Qin Qi, these Chu people could not understand at all!

But they finally understood what Qin people meant.

In the end, they were pulled into the boat like dead dogs and completely became the prisoners of the Qin army.

It is better to die than to live.

Qin Jun, who was driving the boat at the rear, was very excited when he saw these Chu people.

"These people must live. Only by living can they tell the world how powerful the navy of our empire is!"

"These Chu people have been completely frightened by the artillery, and they dared not resist when they came to the boat to resist. When they looked at our relatives, their eyes were full of fear and trembling."

After hearing this, a veteran soldier couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "When the people of Chu fought before, even if the people of Chu surrendered, they would continue to rebel soon."

"But this time, the king completely broke the backbone of the Chu people. It is impossible for them to resist."

"If I were from Chu, surviving under such ferocious artillery would only delay the war from now on."

"Yes, it's too cruel. Once hit by a cannonball, there is absolutely no chance of survival."

"If I get hit by a shell, I'm afraid I can only wait to die."

These Qin people were discussing things about the war and were beaming.

More than [-] people from Chu in the water have been salvaged by them. Surprisingly, no one resisted.

Some old Chu people were full of emotion after learning the name of the artillery.

"The eight-hundred-year-old state of Chu is about to die now!"

At this moment, the Chu people's heart was full of sadness.

But soon, he was comforted by Qin people.

"Don't worry, after arriving in Qin, although you will become a slave, you will still have a chance to turn over."

"With the help of slaves, you will gradually get rid of your slave status and become real citizens."

"Even if you make credit and become a public official, it's not a bad idea."

"In the empire, it is the real way for ordinary people to reach the sky!"

"And in your country of Chu, a farmer can only be a farmer for a lifetime."

The Qin people proudly showed their superiority in front of the Chu people's captives. They felt that being able to become Ying Zheng's subjects was the happiest thing in their life.

It's just the prisoners they will accept next, not the only ones.

There were a hundred battleships of Chu State, erected white flags, and surrendered completely to the empire.

They know very well that in this kind of situation where the empire exerts the power of artillery to the extreme, it is simply a dream to win the imperial battleship.

Chapter 253 Destruction! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

They know very well that in this kind of situation where the empire exerts the power of artillery to the extreme, it is simply a dream to win the imperial battleship.

This is the battleship that just saw Qin State, I am afraid it will be sunk in an instant!

How can they resist such a powerful strength?

In addition, even the speed of the imperial warships was much faster than them, so they couldn't help but steal it.

In this way, how much can save lives.

But if the hull was hit by a cannonball, the people in their boat would never even be able to survive.

The number of people who stopped and surrendered has also increased.

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