(aiei) Many Chu troops did not have white flags and could only deal with them with white shirts.

The Qin army in the rear accepted this group of people willingly.

"Your Majesty's labor in building Shanglin Garden has really increased this time."

"The country of Chu is so big, it will definitely be able to arrest a lot of people."

"There are more than [-] prisoners now."

"Even if you want to manage these prisoners, it's not easy."

"It can only be shipped back in batches. Those who should build roads should build roads, and those who should dig canals should dig canals."

"Otherwise, let's just let these people build a chariot in the territory of Zhao State. If there is a chariot, if you want to fight Chu State in the future, you will fight Chu State."

"Yes, let these people build the gallop!"

"We also have to build the pontoon bridge that will be used by the ferry."

"There is no need to build a pontoon bridge at all. If the country has more warships, if you want to cross the river, you can arrange the boats in a row and lay wooden boards on them. It is indeed a good solution.

"Now that we have so many warships and have captured so many warships, it's not too easy to cross the river."

For a time, these people couldn't help but start thinking about these issues.

After all, the Great Qin Ruishi, sooner or later, will occupy the land of Chu State, and eventually every city will be completely destroyed!

In this way, when the time comes, their sailors will also be of greater use.

It's just that they didn't always know that the pursuit of Ying Zhengshuai's army went directly from Yingshui to the place where they communicated with Huaishui.

Looking at the direction in which the hundreds of warships were fleeing, Ying Zheng felt some regrets in his heart.

"That Chu State navy, the direction of escape is not Shouchun, but the west."

"This is for Chu State Shouchun to draw us away."

"Second, I am afraid that I will be punished after returning to Shouchun, and I will run away completely from then on."

"No matter what, I'm afraid I won't be able to pursue it any longer.

"Where's the supply ship? Everyone has worked hard in this battle. Let's rest in the cabin first."

"After the supplies are completely filled, we will move eastward along the Huai River, just in time to reach the Shouchun City."

Ying Zheng was ready to go all out, along this waterway, to completely destroy the Zhao state.

The arrival of this kind of supply ship took about half an hour.

When all the warships were fully replenished, the navy of the Chu State went down the Huai River just now.

It didn't take long for them to see the Chu Kingdom's city hidden behind the magnificent city!

Even many people with good sight can see the soldiers on the walls of the Empire. .

Chapter 254 Burn it, Chu Kingdom!

The light boat has passed ten thousand mountains, and a thousand miles of Jiangling will return in one day.

Ying Zheng looked at the tall Shouchun city wall, and there was a desire to conquer in his eyes.

"The widow, to completely destroy the Chu kingdom!"

"Naval guns, clear the way!"

Shouchun City is built on the water, and in the Huai River, there is still the navy of the Chu State who had fled.

Today, these sailors are blocking Jiang Xin, the last line of defense in Shouchun City.

"The navy of the Chu State is number one in the world, but such a majestic navy master was easily destroyed by the Qin State..."

"Those thirteen warships are simply monsters lying across the river. The weapons that breathe fire and glow are terrifying!"

"Can we resist?"

"After all, they only have thirteen warships!"

"Finalize the river!"

"Do we still have hope?"

"It's impossible to resist Qin's navy, even though the King of Qin's flag is still on it."

"I saw King Qin, he is really young."

"Is he a natural god of war? Why has he been able to win so many countries over and over again?"

"A few years ago, he was just a proton, but now, he is about to become the real master of the world."

"Why is he not our king."

For a time, these Chu soldiers were full of emotion.

The King of Chu was standing above the city wall of Shouchun, looking at the Qin State battleship on the river.

He couldn't figure out where the courage of Qin's warships came from. With thirteen warships, he destroyed half of Chu's incomparably huge navy.

It was unbelievable, after all, he didn't believe it at all.

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