"There are only thirteen ships, only thirteen ships, why don't you even dare to rush!"

"Are the Qin people really so powerful? You cowards! Cowards!"

Even the King of Chu couldn't help roaring at the bottom.

He felt that those generals were a bunch of idiots.

It's just that no matter how he roars, he can't save the situation that the Qin army has reached the Chu King's city.

When he thought about the current Qin state that even conquered the four countries, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart.

"The Qin people directly occupied the capital of Yan country without breaking the defense line of Yan country."

"That's why King Yan fled."

"But the widow's country is vast and the soldiers are strong. If you want to rely on these thirteen warships, you want to completely destroy our country of Chu, and dream!"

The King of Chu's eyes turned cold.

He felt that this would be a battle between him and the King of Qin.

It has only been over a year since Ying Zheng ascended the throne of Qin, and he has just ascended the throne.

His grade is much higher than that of Ying Zheng. Ying Zheng can sweep the world, and he has no reason to even hold the country.

"I'm not foolish. The King of Qin wanted to break through the state of Chu, and he was wishful thinking."

"As long as the army returns to help, the widow will completely capture the King of Qin in Shouchun City and worship the widow."

"Pass the order of the widow, navy, meet the enemy!"


He saw that the king's order was passed on to the navy general, but the general was disdainful of his order.

"If the sailors attack, they will all be attacked and destroyed by the Qin army!"

"Today's strategy can only be attacked with fire!"

The King of Chu on the city wall couldn't help being furious when he saw that the sailor didn't move.

"What are they doing? Why aren't they attacking?"

"Go back to the king, they are transporting straw to the boat."

"Straw? Is it some new weapon?"

The King of Chu was puzzled.

He has just obtained the kingship, and he has just stabilized the kingship. He has been engaged in political struggles, but he is not too clear about the war.

Chapter 254 Burn it, Chu Kingdom! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

He has just obtained the kingship, and he has just stabilized the kingship. He has been engaged in political struggles, but he is not too clear about the war.

"Navy is planning, fire attack!"

"Fire attack?"

At this moment, the King of Chu was in a dazed state.

He had no idea what it was doing.

But he saw countless small boats break out of the fleet of large ships and rush straight towards the direction of Qin's warships.

"Why only these small boats and no big boats?"

"Back to the king, that's because large ships are easily sunk by Qin army warships, but these small ships are not easy to hit."

Soon, the king of Chu saw that the speed of the boats was getting faster and faster, and they rushed straight towards the imperial battleship.

Ying Zheng passed the system, and naturally he could easily see the straw on the boat.

"Do you want to carry out a fire attack?"

"It's a pity that your fire attack is against the current."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

The fire attack in this era was not with kerosene, but with boats loaded with straw. When they rushed to the front of the enemy, they set the boat on fire, and the sailors on it jumped into the water.

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This fire attack is quite primitive.

"It's already within range, do you want to bombard it?"

Li Xin could not help asking Ying Zheng for instructions.

Today's Li Xin has a fascination with cannons.

He felt that the absence of war was something that artillery couldn't solve.

If ten rounds of shelling don't work, then a hundred rounds!

It's just that Ying Zheng didn't do that.

Shells and gunpowder are all resources.

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