"No need, the boat is too small, and it's not worth the money for a shell."

"Since they choose fire attack, let them know what is the real fire attack."


"Pour all the kerosene into the river."


Although Li Xin didn't understand what Ying Zheng was doing, the army still followed suit.

The army poured the kerosene very carefully, fearing that it would fall on his own boat accidentally.

However, for this kind of dumping, you only need to open the lid of the wooden barrel, and then kick the wooden barrel into the water.

In addition, they were upstream, and the kerosene was poured into the river water, which naturally flowed downstream and floated on the surface of the Huai River.

Soon, Chu State's boat saw the kerosene floating on the water.

"What is Qin Jun doing? Are these things hindering our progress?"

The sailors of Chu State had never encountered such a situation.

It's just that Ying Zheng at this time has already brought a bow.

Although most of the empire has used crossbow arrows, the bow is still equipped in the army.

Although this bow is a bit small, it is the work of the craftsmen of Shaofu, and the proportions of each place are perfect.

With Ying Zheng's strength, there is no problem with opening bows and arrows.

On the arrow, there is even a cloth soaked with oil, which has been completely ignited at this time.

"Burn it, Chu Kingdom!"

When Ying Zheng's words fell, the feather arrow flew out and landed straight on the river covered with kerosene.


The kerosene crashed in an instant, and whether there was a clean oil drum, at this moment, it blew up into the sky.

The boat of Chu State that was originally intended to be attacked by fire, the hay on it burned instantly! .

Chapter 255 The fire of punishment?Bombard Chu King City!

On the water of Huai Shui, kerosene was burning brightly on the water.

The boat of Chu State, which had originally planned to attack the imperial warship, burned quickly at this moment.

Even if there was a boat that was lucky not to be burned, at this moment, it would not dare to move forward at all, but fled to the shore.

The fire attack plan, which was originally vowed to destroy Qin's warships, was disintegrated like this.

The King of Chu, who was standing on the Shouchun city wall, had red eyes at this moment.

"Did Qin State invite the gods? Why can their flames burn on the water?"

At this moment, the King of Chu felt that the thirteen warships of Qin were like gods.

They were able to start a fire that burned on the water.

Let the original fire attack plan shattered instantly.

In particular, some of the exploding wooden barrels made a chilling explosion sound, and finally "Zero Five Three" turned into an extremely rich firelight.

"what on earth is it!"

At this moment, Rugu couldn't believe what he saw.

In particular, some soldiers on the city wall worshiped the firelight in the Huai River.

"Heavenly Punishment! This is God's Punishment! Only the fire of God's Punishment can burn on the water."

Some of the sorcerers of Chu Kingdom knelt on the ground trembling all over.

It's just some generals of Chu State, frowning tightly.

"God damn it, it was a rocket fired by King Qin, which caused this fire!"

He saw with his own eyes the rocket fired by King Qin standing on the high podium.

But his words caused the great wizard's almost crazy words.

"King Qin is a god! Only then can this kind of fire be sparked."

And the madman's words caused Chu Jun's confusion.

The people of Chu began to feel that everything Ying Zheng did was really like a god.

"In just one year, King Qin destroyed four countries and captured half of the entire world!"

"It's like a fantasy, unbelievable."

"But the King of Qin did it, and now even the Kingdom of Chu will fall into the hands of the King of Qin."

"Faced with the gods, how can we mortals win?"

The King of Chu was shocked when he saw this behind the scenes.

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