He felt that today's Chu people have completely lost confidence.

Thinking of this, the feeling of rumination will inevitably become worse.

At this time, the wizard had been directly beheaded by the generals on the city wall.

"Those who confuse people with evil words should be killed!"

For a time, the defenders on the city wall didn't dare to say anything more, just like a quail.

It's just that their bodies are shaking all over.

Some Chu soldiers could not help but think of what happened here last year.

During the Chinese New Year, Qin Wang Yingzheng came to Shouchun City.

It's just that the last time I was riding a horse, this time I was riding a warship.

The fire went down the water, and the boat behind them couldn't help but sail into the distance, fearing that the fire would burn them.

At this time, Ying Zheng was standing on the podium incomparably calm.

These fires are likely to burn completely for some time.

"I hope that after the sky is completely dark, I can completely capture Chudu Shouchun!"

Ying Zheng couldn't help thinking.

The fire burned for more than an hour before it went out.

Chapter 255: The Fire of Heavenly Punishment?Bombard Chu King City! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The fire burned for more than an hour before it went out.

There is a lot of water vapor on the river.

After waiting for the flames to cool down a lot, Ying Zheng just ordered to approach Shouchun City.

"Gunpowder is very afraid of heat, but fortunately, the river water quickly took away the heat after the kerosene burned. Although the temperature is still very high, it will not cause problems with the gunpowder."

The distance of a few miles will also become faster if you go down the river.

In the blink of an eye, they stopped in front of Chu Wangcheng.

"It's only 800 meters away from Chuwangcheng."

"The power of the artillery will become extremely powerful within this distance."

The warship finally chose to stop at this location.

The warship is even more anchored and stopped, which is beneficial to the warship becoming more stable when it can run and attack in the river.


When the ships broke down, the artillery was fully fired.

Now that only a corner of the sun is still on the ground, the sky is not so bright anymore, and the tongues of fire from the cannon muzzle are particularly clear at this moment.

The soldiers on the Shouchun City Wall became even more fearful at this moment.

Because they found that the stone city wall of Shouchun had been shot through one hole after another...  

"What is this? It's so powerful?"

"Cover the king!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

At this moment, under the cover of everyone, King Chu left the city wall in a panic.

He saw with his own eyes that the shell directly penetrated the parapet wall, penetrated the soldier holding the shield behind, and directly maimed the third person before he died completely.

The King of Chu was surrounded by people on the fifth and sixth floors, holding shields and jumping under the city wall.

And when a cannonball penetrated the city wall and jumped in front of King Chu Chu, Chu Chu's eyes jumped violently.

"How can this happen! How can this happen!"

He muttered to himself in disbelief, unable to believe what kind of power this was.

He couldn't help thinking of the fearful words in the mouth of the beheaded wizard.

The King of Qin is a god.

At that moment, King Chu was still a little suspicious, but at this moment, he couldn't help but believe it.

"Is there really a god in this world?"

The king of Chu muttered to himself, and let the guards take him back to the palace of the king of Chu.

It is not clear whether there are gods in this world.

But in the hearts of Qin people, Ying Zheng is a god.

The bombardment of this kind of artillery can easily make the defenders on the city wall of Chu country collapse their will in an instant.

When the defenders found that even the city walls could not stop the bombardment of the shells, they were about to collapse.

"How to fight this battle?"

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