Some of the brave Chu people shouted loudly, but when the cannonball pierced through his companions, killing and injuring five or six people one after another, and blood splashed on his face, he was so frightened that he was sweating coldly.

" to fight?"

They are not afraid of feather arrows or catapults, because they can use shields and city walls to resist.

But this incomparably strong stone city wall could not resist the artillery fire of the Qin people.

When the bombardment reached the fifth round, Shouchun's city wall was finally overwhelmed, and a corner completely collapsed in the roar.

"The city wall has collapsed, quickly repair it!"

It's just that when the people of Chu were about to repair that corner, the other part of the city wall also collapsed! .

Body Chapter 256: The meat is bare and the sheep, the king of Chu surrenders!

Shouchun's city walls are built of stone.

But even so, it was completely destroyed by artillery.

Hundreds of shells smashed on the city wall, and it didn't collapse to explain the problem.

And this collapse, like a chain reaction, keeps collapsing.

Looking at this scene, Ying Zheng couldn't help feeling a little excited.

"I came to Shouchun City twice, and it has an inseparable relationship with gunpowder."

"The first time I came here, I set off fireworks."

"And this time, it's using artillery!"

"Shouchun City, I can't hold it anymore!"

Ying Zheng didn't think too much, the shells poured straight into the city.

After the navy of Chu State discovered this scene, they could not help rushing to the imperial warship, but they soon discovered that what they were facing was just another side of the warship!

The artillery also tilted towards them.

This can't help but remind them of the shadow of the previous water battle, and the battleships where they are located can not help but keep a relative distance from these battleships.

In fact, if they still attacked recklessly, the artillery on the imperial warship could easily cause the artillery to overheat and could not continue firing.

Once this gap is formed, it is bound to usher in a pick-up battle.

That way, you'll get caught up in a tough fight.

However, the Chu State navy did not know about this defect of the artillery.

After all, attacking the State of Chu was the first use of artillery!

The appearance of artillery is also enough to subvert the form of the Warring States period and compete for the victory of the war with a crushing attitude.

The first use of artillery in China was to destroy the Yuan Dynasty!

The Mongolian iron cavalry forced the whole Song Dynasty to death in Yashan with a rolling attitude, but Zhu Yuanzhang used artillery to tear apart the invincible legend of the Mongolian cavalry!

In the era of the Ming Dynasty, the world has entered the era of navigation, but the artillery and military strength of the Ming Dynasty are still the first.

Among them, the number of artillery pieces in the Ming Dynasty was in the tens of thousands.

Today, Ying Zheng has continued this brilliance into the empire.

Although it is only the most traditional artillery, this kind of power is no longer something that Chu State can compete with.

When the sun completely set, I was full of emotion in my heart at the Chu Palace.

At this moment, he felt that the eight hundred years of great Chu's glory had come to an end here.

"If I had known that this day was coming soon, why would I have worked so hard to obtain this throne."

"It's better to be a free and easy son, at least not to bear the shame of subjugation."

"There is no one who can beat Qin people!"

"Let's surrender too!"

The king of Chu was waving his huge clothes, which were the elegant clothes of the state of Chu, and now, like this state of Chu, they have become a burden.

The white flag slowly rose on the ruined city wall of Chu State.

In Shouchun City, there are countless Chu people crying.

I don't know if it's because the state of Chu has perished, or because it was frightened by the artillery of the empire.

"Your Majesty, the King of Chu has descended!"

At this moment, a minister of Chu State trembled and walked out of the city, wanting to submit the form.

At this time, Ying Zheng stopped bombarding the city wall.

In fact, if the state of Chu insisted on not surrendering, the artillery would have nothing to do except to completely collapse the city wall.

The five thousand people on this warship lacked the ability to land.

It's just that the Chu country has completely surrendered in fear, and it is impossible to restore it.

That surrendered minister even came to Ying Zheng's ship in a small boat.

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